can i drive you home?

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guys i know i apologize so so much for not updating BUT I AM SORRY!! school is almost over so hopefully i procrastinate less and can get this book done!!

again, enjoy! (sorry if my writing style changed, i've only been on here to look at notifs)

(—continuing from chapter 15)

as minho walked out of jisung's house, he saw seungmin at a nearby bench, seemingly taking a break. a smile grew on his face as he ran up to him. "seungminnie!~ weren't you supposed to go home?" he asked, ruffling his hair.

seungmin slapped minho's hand away, rolling his eyes playfully. "yeah, but i wanted to take a break before walking home," he replied, sighing contentedly. (contently? contentedly? idek)

"oh, you walk home?" minho raised a brow, smirking slightly as another one of his ideas popped up in his head.

" something the matter?" seungmin asked, staring blankly at minho's smirk. "hey puppy?"


"oh, you responded to my nickname. how cu-"

"shut up."

"anyways, what if you home?" minho's smirk grew wider, leaning closer to seungmin.

"," seungmin replied in a blunt tone, smirking a bit under his breath. he was sure minho didn't want that answer.


"awe, please, darling! let me drive you home, please, i'll stay with you for a bit~" minho pleaded, putting on a fake pout.

seungmin didn't know why he softened up, but every time minho mentioned he would come over, he was suddenly so intrigued.

"mmh..alright, fine." seungmin mumbled, glancing away from minho. the older grinned, standing up straight as he waited for the other boy. "great! let's go, puppy."

seungmin nodded, a light blush forming on his cheeks. he could admit, he found it cute that minho offered to take him home. he wished he could drive everywhere with minh- nevermind.

seungmin got into the car and buckled up, putting his bag next to his feet. minho's car was nice, clean and simple. it had a comforting and welcoming vibe, small things scattered inside the car representing minho.

minho got in and buckled up as well, starting the engine. he hummed quietly, connecting his spotify to the car bluetooth. (iykwim) "what's your favorite song? or artist?" minho asked, glancing over at seungmin then back at his phone.

seungmin took a bit to respond, looking out the window with a small grin. "day6."

soon enough, minho started driving and day6 was playing. they were in comfortable silence for most of the ride, the two having small conversations every now and then. (should i do a chapter with more detailed/longer drive scenes?)


they arrived to seungmin's house and went to his room, relaxing on his bed.
"how long are you going to stay?" seungmin asked.

"as long as you want, love~" minho teased, leaning against the wall.

(REFERENCE - bc i wanna show you how mini's bed is placed)

(his bed is like this, that's like the wall thingy minho is leaning on)

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(his bed is like this, that's like the wall thingy minho is leaning on)

(his bed is like this, that's like the wall thingy minho is leaning on)

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(sorry if this was unnecessary 😞)

"ugh, whateverrr.." seungmin rolled his eyes to minho's teasing tone, sighing dramatically.

"awee, is my baby mad?" minho smirked, watching as seungmin got more flustered.

"hey! i'm not yours!" seungmin whined, crossing his arms. but before he could do anything else, minho asked something very out of the blue.

"can you cuddle me before i go, pleasee darling?"

seungmin's eyes widened a bit, soft blush dusting his cheeks. despite already have kissing minho and sleeping in the same bed with him, he's never really..cuddled him.

the younger nodded, hiding the smile under his breath as he crawled in between minho's legs. his head rested on top of minho's abdomen, snuggling and curling up against him. he felt so safe and warm, even if it's only been a few seconds.

minho wrapped his arms around him, letting out a content sigh. he smiled softly at the boy in his arms, brushing through his hair gently.

i couldn't find a pic so i drew it 😓

the two of them stayed like this for a good 30 minutes, just enjoying each other's company and comfort

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the two of them stayed like this for a good 30 minutes, just enjoying each other's company and comfort. seungmin felt his body relax and stress completely fade away, nuzzling minho's chest affectionately. he never wanted to let go.

"i have to go, i'm sorry,"

minho chuckled softly, running his fingers over seungmin's back soothingly. he gently pulled his way out, leaving the younger with slightly messy bangs and a small pout.

"i'm sorry, love," minho cupped seungmin's cheek, his thumb brushing agaisnt it softly. he placed a kiss on seungmin's forehead, before pulling away and standing from the bed.

seungmin didn't reply, just smiling softly as he watched minho get up.

"also, i'm going to ask our friends if we can eat out today. wear something fancy, please, love."

decided this will be split in 2 sections....again😓 anyway, i don't have much to sayyy 😋 i hope you enjoyed this chapter!! <3

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