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[Luca POV]

I woke up to Jacob shaking me, kissing my head. Spade was lying next to me on my left. I wasn't as little like yesterday. I wasn't little at all.
"Good morning," He softly greeted me, crouching down next to the bed. "Do you wanna try the free use stuff after Spade leaves?" I quickly nodded, snuggling under the covers farther.
"Mkay. Go back to sleep, babe," He mumbled, pushing my hair out of my face before standing up and leaving. I really wouldn't have minded Spade being there for it or even participating in it, but I don't think he wanted to yet. I relaxed and went back to sleep fairly fast.

When I woke up, it was from Jacob straddling me and softly kissing my neck until I opened my eyes, instantly making my dick wake up. He silently pulled down my pants and boxers while continuing to bite me. He manually positioned my legs, and I was still sleepy enough that I didn't even think to move them on my own. I yawned and rubbed my eyes while he rubbed his dick against me. He definitely used lube already. He slowly slid it in without any other preparation, making me gasp and grab his hand. He didn't say anything, and he didn't pull out, but he paused and rubbed my side, silently comforting me. When my body relaxed and my breathing evened out, he slowly started thrusting into me.

When he finished, he kissed all over my face and belly.
"How are ya feeling?" He asked, just checking in.
"A little sleepy," I mumbled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
"You wanna go get a coffee with me?" He offered, making me smile and agree quickly. I pulled my PJ pants back up and adjusted my shirt before following him to grab my shoes. I'd never been to any place that mainly serves coffee. But there was a local place that was only like 10 minutes away from the apartments. Honestly, the only places I've ever gotten from that wasn't grab and go was at fast food drive throughs. So I didn't know what I wanted. But I did know that I liked it when it was sweet.

I didn't listen to what he got me, but I know it had a lot of milk, it was sweet, and it had ice in it.
"Thank you," I said as we walked out of the building, making sure they heard me.
"You're welcome," He said automatically before grabbing my hand. The cup it was in had a little hole in the lid, so you didn't need a straw. But, I like straws. So, I grabbed one anyway.
"I think the whole point of the lid is so that you don't grab a straw," Jacob commented when he noticed.
"Yeah. But, I just like them. I can not explain why, but it just makes me happy," I said.
"Weirdo," He teased me, smiling and making me grin.
"You're a weirdo," I said back.
"Yeah? How?" He challenged as he walked with me to the parking lot.
"You sleep with socks on," I answered like it was obvious.
"...You got me there. I can't argue that one," He admitted, letting me win as he unlocked the truck.

[Jacob POV]

I was planning for Luca to stay big through the whole day, but knowing Luca, I should've expected him to wanna be little if we weren't doing anything today. So, when we were at home and he started rocking himself to a video we were watching, I was a little disappointed since today I was gonna fuck him more than once. But, I didn't mind that much. It was more of a 'Damn, I was looking forward to that... Oh well, life goes on'.

"It's probably because he needs a nap," I honestly told Spade over the phone while I walked to go get the mail. He called me and asked how I was doing while I was getting the mail, so I mentioned how I was only a little disappointed. I expected that the reason he called me for a casual conversation. Maybe because he forgot something at our apartment.
"Yeah, he might just be tired. Hey, listen, I don't know why, but I don't think I'm all that into him anymore," Spade told me, changing the subject drasitcly and catching me totally off guard. And sounding like a complete douche bag.
"What do you mean? You were just in our bed this morning," I asked, honestly really fucking hurt.
"I know. But for the last week, I've just been so uninterested. I've been acting like I really care about everything he does, but I don't," He brutally tried to explain, instantly pissing me off.
"What the fuck, dude?" I exclaimed, shutting our mailbox and locking it back. What does he mean? He's just gonna drop Luca because he's not interested anymore and tell ME over a PHONECALL?!

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