Chapter 26

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Part 2: CRISIS

Draco POV

My heart feels like it's slowly cracking from its core- ready to burst into a million pieces when the time is right. I clutch my chest, for I can feel both physical and emotional pain from the inside-out. The warmth in my body is slowly draining away, being replaced by the cold, hard truth.

I've lost the only person that truly cared about me, all in a manner of seconds.

One little word was enough to snatch away all of my happiness and leave me empty and broken. Knowing that someone who once loved me is now looking at me like the enemy is the purest form of torture.

I resist the urge to curl up against the hard stone wall when I hear snickering.

My father is snickering.


I raise my head ever so slowly to level my stare to his. My glare is emitting my raw, ferocious anger.

The snickering stops. "See, Son. Your father will always care for you. You would have had to break it off eventually anyhow. I've done you a great service. Now you can join me wholeheartedly without any attachments to those minuscule gnats."

That filthy son of a bitch.

I try to take a shot at him, but my back screams in protest. I groan from the pain and clench my teeth. I can barely move- if at all- without a bone in my body aching. So incredibly frustrating.

"What's that, Son? Have you finally woken up from your pointless daydream?" He sneers.

I glare with hot, angry tears welling up in my eyes, but don't say a word.

"Answer me! I won't have you blubbering about around me for the rest of your life because you lost a prissy little mudblood for the sake of our cause. How tragic, eh?" Lucius mocks. I don't even want to call him father anymore.

"Go to hell," I whisper.

"What was that? I couldn't hear. You know how I hate it when you mumble."

That's it. No more self-control.

"I said go to hell you piece of shit!" I yell so loud the noise reverberates off the walls. I charge Lucius and try to tackle him from behind, but my back gave out before I could get there.

"Nice try, but yet so weak. And all for a muggle-born," Lucius says while slowly shaking his head in disappointment.

I feel around for a rock and find one. My fingers have curled around it.

Lucius is still speaking. "Personally, I was never so dense as to throw away my entire reputation just for low-class love. Get over her, Draco. There are much better option for you that aren't Gra-."

I interrupt by chucking the rock shard at his gut. It buries itself semi-deep into Lucius's gut, but not enough to kill him quickly.

He looks into my eyes as of he is truly surprised and offended by my actions. Then his features contort into pure rage.

"This was the last and only time that you would have ever had this opportunity, and you've blown it. The next time we meet won't be a family reunion. I'm coming back with force, and will kill whoever necessary in order to get my son back. However, until that time comes, you are no longer worthy of the Malfoy title. You are no longer my son."

Lucius apparates.

"No longer his son, eh?" I think somewhat sarcastically. "How devastating."

Now that he's gone to patch himself up, I lean back against the wall, slowly sliding downwards until I'm in fetal position.

First sob.

Second sob.

I'm shivering, tears running down my face. But I feel no regret. I feel no shame.

I feel only one thing.


Forgotten: A Dramione FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz