Chapter 17

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Draco POV

I fiddled with my neck collar like a child in an uncomfortable sweater. It's not that the costume was too tight, but I was sweating nerves like mad. My hair was slicked back and I wore a cheesy "Prince Charming" costume. I'm sure Hermione will get a kick out of it.

"Hermione...," I whisper to myself. Would she like my costume? What of she didn't? What if she rejected the dinner? I shudder. That would be truly awful.

"Calm down, Draco," I think,"It's just Granger, she won't mind if I make a fool out of myself... Right?" I kneeled down and straightened the corners of the red-checkered blanket. I brought out a plain wicker basket filled with turkey sandwiches, assorted candy, and butterbeer....and possibly a small bottle of fire whiskey. I had spent at least an hour setting up the twinkling lights in our large willow tree, which was set right beside the Black Lake.

The lake was clear and pure. The light of the stars reflected off of its silky surface. A nice setting for a date.

As I was checking to see that the candle in the middle of the blanket was decorated accordingly, he snap of a twig sent me jumping backwards- slamming my back into the musty tree.

"Oh, Draco! I'm so sorry!" exclaimed the familiar soft voice of Hermione Granger. I immediately checked my hair for twigs and brushed stray leaves off of my suit. I had never felt so strongly about my appearance before now, but that didn't matter, because when I caught the eye of Hermione, my mouth hung open.

She was dressed in a simple knee length black dress, but it made her look like the most adorable kitty. Her puffy hair was still that, but more glossy from being curled by heat. She was the most beautiful witch I had ever seen before.

"D-Draco? What is it? Is there something in my hair?" Hermione asked, slightly turning from my gaze to check her hair.

"N-no," I say stupidly and take a step closer. She looks back at me, her face suggesting doubt. "You're beautiful." I wasn't lying, her rosy cheeks and dainty nails practically shone under he lights. I take another step, closing my mouth, but still staring at her perfect face. Hermione bites her lip and pulls her dress down awkwardly.

"You do the most adorable things without realizing," I note, laughing and twirling her around. She smiles, which makes me want to kiss her perfectly natural lips. I wrap my arms around her waist, and hoist her into the air, spinning around again.

Letting her down easy but still holding her, she suppresses giggles and notices the picnic set-up. Hermione gasps and walks over slowly. I slide down the tree trunk into my spot on the blanket.

"This is amazing!" Hermione exclaims and I breathe a sigh of relief. She liked it. She truly liked it. She plops down beside me in a very unladylike manner, which makes me want to kiss her even more. "Did do all of this by yourself?" She asks, opening the basket and taking out a sandwich. I nod, taking a sandwich of my own. "It's perfect." She notes, and that comment fills my heart with joy.

The next hour passed like a blur. We played a silly question game, asking each other about our interests and favorite things. I learned her favorite color was blue and she wanted to become a Ministry of Magic Executive later in her life. I told her about my plans of  becoming a doctor, wanting to heal instead of harm. She even dared me to eat a reddish-brown Every Flavor bean, which turned out to be Earthworm flavored, so I tickled her for revenge.

"What a ticklish kitty, you are, sweetheart," I tease, stealing a kiss on her cheek, which slightly smeared the painted on whiskers. With difficulty, Hermione stopped laughing to roll her eyes and tackle me back, which totally caught me off-guard. She was practically on top of me, and the only thing I could think was,"Does my breath stink?"

"And what a distracted Prince you are, Charming," she purrs. Her beautiful chocolate-brown eyes twinkle in the candlelight. We lock eyes, and I make the move. She has the same idea, and we lean toward each other for the first kiss of the night. She twists her arms around my neck and buries her fingers into my hair, quickly disheveling it.  Her lips are soft and warm, making me smile. I am gentle with her, lightly placing my hands on her hips. I sit there kissing her for what seems like forever, the birds seeming to be chirping in our honor, and the crickets putting up a beautiful night orchestra. We slowly pull apart, noses touching. Everything is silent, still, serene. Everything is perfect- just like her.

"Well, well, children. You wouldn't want the sandwiches to go to waste, would you?" a voice hissed from the darkness of the forest. A voice that I knew all too well

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