Chapter 19

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Draco POV

I screamed and tore at the grass after Hermione was whisked away by Lucius in a cloud of black smoke. At least I know she didn't apparate with my utterly insane father, but was traveling in the sky with him. Quite the comfort.

I felt utterly defeated. I kicked at the blanket and angrily chunked the picnic basket where Hermione once stood. After a few hostile minutes, I sunk to my knees, out of energy. Pressing the palm of my hands onto my eyes to stop the flow of incoming tears, I thought of how I just let my stupid father take the only thing I cared about anymore away from me, just when we were getting to know each other better.

I was supposed to protect her, and I had done a pretty crappy job of it.

Who knows where she was now. Malfoy Manor? Highly unlikely. A random place in the Forbidden Forest or a super secret hideout? Probably. Now that my father knew he could control me with Hermione, who knows what he'll do to her.

I sat there and finally let the tears flow. My heart was aching and my stomach filled with red hot fury that blended with unbearable sadness. Just when I was about to lay on my knees forever, I noticed a gleam near the now-broken picnic basket. I crawled over to it with a quizzical look on my probably tear stained face.

It was an earring. A cat shaped earring.

That beautiful genius Hermione somehow left a trail. A trail for me to follow.

But I know one thing. That I can't sit here and feel sorry for myself as Hermione gets tortured. I picked myself up and rubbed away the tears. I had to find her, no matter what the cost.

She is my life now, and no one will take that away from me.

I set off to get my broom. I was searching tonight.



Hermione POV

It was cold in the dungeon.

Yeah. The cave was part dungeon.

At least I think it was a cave. The trip here was blurry after I blacked out for a few seconds from takeoff, but I did manage to try and leave a trail for Draco. I hope it was enough.

It already felt like I had been in this dingy cell forever. Mold and moss covered the stone walls while leaks in the crawling were prominent along the ceiling. All I had on now was my ripped dress and beat-up combat boots. Lucius had taken my wand and it was probably broken now. I grieved for it inside. I had unlaced all of the ribbons and broken my headband to leave as a trail. Lucius didn't notice because he was to busy focusing on flying.

I was huddled in the corner next to the single candle flame. My only company was my reflection in the water. My hair was completely wind blown, but did offer me warmth when I needed it. I was shivering vigorously and my eyes were wide and watering from the freezing air.

"Draco," I cough, a tear falling down my face. I hack and wheeze from the musty air that made my throat dry and stomach moan for something to eat.

It was another half hour before food came. The clank of a metal tray signaled that.

"Here's some food, mudblood," Lucius sneered from the darkness. I scrambled over to the noise and the faint gleam of a candle. I skimmed my knees on the floor when sliding to the tray. On it was a single piece of bread, disgusting looking soup with chunks of who knows what, and a cup of dirty water. I ate and drank gluttonously, not caring that Lucius's wild face was smirking down at me.

"Finally, the mudblood in her rightful place," he sneered, then skunked back into the shadows, laughing maniacally.

I ignored him and ripped through the bread. After I finished gulping down the water, I collapsed onto the ragged blanket and small pillow I was so "generously" given.

"You aren't my prisoner, but the bait for the hungry fish. And bait should be stored in the proper place. Dirty old containers," I quoted Lucius in my mind.


"Draco," I whispered,"I'm here... I know you'll find me...I'm here..."

Sleep finally came, and I happily let it embrace me with tidings of warmth.

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