Chapter 22

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Draco POV

I stumble down the dank hallway, and burst through the crack of a splintered door. I fall to the floor, coughing and am blinded temporarily by the sudden change of light, and wait for my eyes to adjust. I can hear a gasp from my left and a cry of muffled pain. I twist around, standing as I do, squinting at the blurred shape of her.
Hermione. My princess.
Her eyes were wide as she struggled against the shackles locking her in the corner. Her dress was ripped and hair a mess. Her knees and elbows were bloody and raw, and I could spot bruises along her arms with a newly forming one on her jaw.
The sight of her almost bring me to my knees. She looked so strong, but so broken.
So innocent.
Lucius chuckled from behind her, seeing my expression. I want to break his stupid nose.
"Welcome son. So glad you could join us," he sneered. I slowly lifted my gaze to his, having to tear my eyes away from Hermione's form. I pierced his eyes with my burning hot gaze.
"You little-," I start but am interrupt myself, knowing it wouldn't make any difference in calling my father names.
But he kidnapped Hermione.
And if she, out of all people couldn't escape, now one could. At least on their own.
"I managed to be generous enough to provide quite suitable living quarters for your little pet her, Draco." Hermione shifted in the corner, clenching her fists.
"Shut up." I mumble, looking to my side, away from Lucius's judgmental stare.
Lucius twisted his face into a sneer. "It is not wise to keep partners of a lower caliber than yours, son. I brought you up better than.. than... well, this." He motioned to Hermione in disgust.
I barred my teeth, getting tired of his chattering. He turned around, striding over to Hermione and taking some of her matted hair in his hands. I took a step forward, but he yanked as I did. Hermione didn't whimper, but her eyes forcefully shut, water forming in her eyes.
I needed a counter move.
I glanced around at my surroundings, taking everything in as Lucius and Hermione stared at me; one in pride and one in hope.
My wand was in my back pocket, and could easily unlock Hermione's shackles if Lucius could be disarmed.
I pondered ways to do so as a long stretch of silence continued.
Finally, a horribly dense plan formed in my head.
"Lower caliber, huh? Must be why Mummy divorced you, eh Lucius?" I spat, looking for a way to provoke him.
He grunts in annoyance. "Love always ends in disaster. I was too good for Narcissa, son."
"Too low caliber?" I taunt, discreetly pulling out my wand from my back pocket.
Lucius grins, pulling Hermione's hair even tighter. Her face was full of wrath and irritation, but her eyes were staining her cheeks with tears. "Precisely. You're learning." I force a laugh. "I didn't mean mum, I mean you. Stupid, hubris filled rodents like you are so much more undesirable than her!" I shout, gesturing to Hermione. A faint smile appears on her lips as she struggles with her bonds.
"You were so disgusting that your own wife that shared your bed and claimed to love you for twenty years left you! You deserve to be locked up in Azkaban forever, and no one will ever help you again. Especially not me, you filthy coward."
Lucius released Hermione's hair and launched towards me. I dodged, expecting the attack, grabbing the wand that flew from his back pocket. Lucius crashed onto the floor, laughing like a crazed hyena. He was temporarily disarmed from the visual injury to his leg. I ignore him for the moment, focusing on my love.
She looks up at me with wide, doe-like eyes, full of hope.
"Hermione, my dear. What has he done to you?" She shrugs, shaking her head, tears dripping onto the stone floor. I set down Lucius's wand beside her, not being able to hold it as un-gag her.
"Draco..Draco. You came. You came for me." She is gasping and choking on her words, lifting her shackled hands up as far as she can reach. I dip my head so she can touch my face. "Of course I came for you, sweetheart. I love you and would do anything to never lose you again. Always."
She yanks my shirt towards her, our lips finding the others. It's full of desire and longing. Hermione's tears become lighter, and I gently pull away, my forehead touching hers.
"Time to set you free, eh?" I whisper, and she nods as she releases my ragged shirt and holding up her hands.
"Alohomora," I mumble, unlocking the first cuff. She freely feels my hair this time, ignoring her bleeding wrists.
But our time ran out.
Hermione looked over my shoulder and opened her mouth into a silent scream. I turn to look but am already knocked to the floor, my wand clanking on the ground. Lucius stands above me, wandless, but so am I. We are now on even ground.
Risking a glance over to Hermione, she is already reaching for her wand an arms length away from her to unlock her other manacle.
"Get on your feet, you foolish child." Lucius sneers, his nose crooked and bloody. His left leg is scraped up, causing him discomfort.
I dive for that leg, knocking him back over, but he grabs my shirt, tossing me off him. He is stronger than I anticipated. Much stronger.

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