Chapter 2

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Draco POV-

I leisurely walk up the train platform, my blond hair rustled instead of slicked back in its usual preppy way.

It's weirdly nostalgic to be walking the length of 9 3/4 again. I never thought I'd ever feel that way about this school  until the Battle of Hogwarts, but I've learned to appreciate what I have, now that I've lost everything. My reputation, my home, my family- all permanently stained by the Dark Lord's reign.

Thank Merlin he's dead.

Ever since my parents were sent to Azkaban I've had nothing better to do with my time than come back to school. I might as well if I ever want to do anything with the rest of my miserable life.

The last words my father said to me ring in the back of my head.

"Remember who you are."

I first thought that he was just being snobby because of our family's former status, but I had a feeling it somehow went deeper. I want to know what it means and how it's supposed to help me, but I've come up with nothing so far.

To make things worse, the only friend I know of that's returning is Pansy.


At least I have one person that won't stare and point.

I trip over my shoelace and nearly fall over the she-devil herself.

"Oh! Hello there, precious Drakie," she purrs and I nearly choke. We haven't dated since before the Battle when she decided to betray my trust and ditch me for Blaise.

The nerve, I know.

"Uh. H-hey," I stutter and she grins, quickly pecking my cheek with a kiss.

"I've missed you! You didn't come to visit me. Not once!" she whines, making me wince.

"Er, right. Sorry about that. I had a lot going on," I force out, holding back puke due to the thick layer of perfume surrounding her.

Pansy barely smiles and accepts my lame excuse. She starts to skip away, but then turns back to shout to me.

"I'll save us some seats, usual compartment, okay?" She winks and goes away.

I let out some of my breath and wonder how I'll ever get through this year with her.

I am just about to turn away when the sight of bushy brown hair catches my attention.

Hermione Granger.

Of course she would return to school. Why wouldn't she? But that means Potter and Weasley are here too. I'm sure they'll have very warm and loving greetings saved for me.

I smile to myself when I realize that Hermione is already in her uniform. Always so overly prepared. I get a better look of her and frown when she looks so sad and confused. It's almost if she's regretting something.

I have the feeling that she and I have grown somewhat closer. More as acquaintances instead of enemies now. Maybe I'll end up having more than one person to talk to here.

In contrast to earlier, Hermione instantly perks up when Ginny Weasley runs up to her and they embrace. I lean against the brick wall behind me and wish that I still had friendships that close.

However, I snap out of it and remember that I am staring at Hermione Granger, of all people. We aren't that close. Not at all.

But I want that to change. Maybe not be best friends with her and the rest of the trio, but I don't want to act like the slime ball I was the past six years.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and breathe in the warm fall air. I take a quick glance back over at Granger when our eyes lock.

She caught me. Staring. At her face.

Good thing Ginny was there to whizz her away to get a good seat.

The whistle blows and I jump, sprinting to find the compartment that Pansy saved.

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