Chapter 24

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Draco POV

I am blinded by an uncontrollable rage. Red smears my vision.
Lucius smirks, letting Hermione fall to the ground, the spark in her eyes gone. The loss of many memories has knocked her out.      
I struggle across the floor to her. I'm crying, no longer yelling.
Lucius chuckles from behind me, and I slowly turn my head around in utter irritation.
"Oh quit your grumbling, son. It's not like it would have ever lasted between you two." He says nonchalantly, as if he hadn't just stolen my girlfriend's memory.
I try my best to stand, wanting to hurt him, to cause him unforgiving pain in that moment, but cannot muster the strength.
A shifting sound from Hermione snatches my attention.
Sitting up, Hermione rubs her head and wipes her eyes. Lucius and I are silent, waiting for her reaction.
"'Mione...?" I whisper, anxious
Her expression is full of confusion when she looks at me, then at the floor,"Who-who are you?"
My heart sinks even lower than it already is, and I hastily say," Hermione.. It's me. It's me. Draco. Your Prince. Call me what you want. Charming. Malfoy. Idiot. Anything. Just remember me."
She is silent. Pondering.
"Say something," I beg.
She looks up. "Draco...?" she mumbles. My hopes rise. I begin to crawl towards her, holding out my hand to touch her, but she flinches away.
"Don't touch me," she says forcefully, scooting back to the wall. "I-I don't understand. I I haven't seen you since...since..." she shakes her head.
Hermione then notes my father behind me. She looks between us both and starts shaking her head faster.
"When did you see him last?" Lucius asks in a demanding voice, gesturing to me.
She tenses, eyes watering. "I don't know. My memory is fuzzy. I feel like I know you, but I don't."
"Hermoine," I say, louder this time. I make my best effort to stand, using the wall as a support. Hermione's face is fearful when she looks at her me. Then her gaze is locked on her wand beside the manacles where she had been chained.
"I can explain," I reassure her. I touch her shoulder as she is distracted, and she slaps me.
"I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME," Hermione screams, grabbing her wand, then wraps her left arm around herself protectively, backing towards the door. "You... you kidnapped me. Monsters...monsters! Both of you!"
"Butterfly, it's a misunderstanding," I offer, but she only scowls.
"Don't call me that, you creep! I remember now," she says in a low voice, and my eyes are wide. "I have a boyfriend. His name is Ron. We were at a party for Halloween, and when I left for the toilet, everything went dark. I must have you confused. Why would I know a person like you."
"Hermione, no. No, you don't mean that. You know me." I try to convince her, but she is backing through the open door, leaving. Lucius doesn't try to stop her, apparently amused as my heart is smashed into pieces.
"You punched me in third year, up at the rocks, remember? You saved me from the Room of Requirement during the war, with Harry and Ron. You and I are now the Head Boy and Girl at Hogwarts. You aren't with Ron anymore. He rejected you. I accepted you. We talked and talked and talked. Got to know each other."
"Stop it! I don't know you, and you don't know me! You can't," she yells, in denial. Hermione is now turned away, running towards the exit, and I hobble after her. She is crying, and so am I.
"I know your secrets, and you know mine. I know that you love the color blue. You are afraid of failure and rejection, but that doesn't stop you from wanting to be a Ministry Executive. I want to be a Doctor. You smiled when you heard me say that."
"QUIT!" she screams, bursting through the exit door into the daylight.
I keep pushing. "I set up a picnic for us at the Black Lake for Halloween. Out favorite spot. I was a Prince, and you a kitten. Just look at your outfit."
Hermione ignores me, still ahead, making it nearly impossible to keep up. I sprint forward, jumping into her path. She skids to a stop, confused.
"We kissed, oh, did we kiss. Butterfly.  Your memory of me was stolen. Stolen by my father. But that does't change that I love you."
She hesitates, then pushes me away, causing increasing pain in my back. I lean over, groaning while Hermione looks at me from a few feet away. "You kidnapped me, and I do not know how or what for. But what I do know is that I will NEVER love you."
My heart is screaming for acceptance after being rejected so harshly, but I try to push away that feeling.
I straighten and whisper,"You can push me and slap me, and deny the truth. I deserve it, letting my father do this to you. I know your memories are gone, that you now resent me. But despite the fact that you are confused and scared, I vow that I will never give up on us for as long as I love you."
"Goodbye, Draco." Hermione mumbles as she walks away, furiously wiping her tears. I stare after her as she apparates to Hogwarts, leaving me crushed in faith.
And suddenly, I felt very tired. As if the world had drained me of everything I had.

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