Chapter 20

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Draco POV

Maybe it would've been a good idea to bring supplies, or at least a different set of clothes. I had no food or clean water, and I had already ditched my Prince Charming suit jacket, which had revealed a simple white t-shirt underneath. I had to rip my pants to make them less uncomfortable, for it clung to my body, since it was so humid out tonight. My broom had already snapped an hour ago from crashing into a tree. Now I was stumbling along the trail Hermione had made for me, my wand only providing minimal light. Just my luck.

I collapsed against a random pine tree in the forest, exhausted from eight hours of searching. I had collected the other earring of Hermione's, several ripped pieces of pink fabric, and half of her cat-ear headband. I had sent an owl to Weasley boy and Potter, just so they would know that their closest friend was missing, but honestly, I didn't care for them at the moment. That might sound insensitive, but that's how I felt. Hermione and I might only just started to be together, but she was already the most important part of me that made me want to not give up on my life.

Hermione was the wall holding me up, supporting my body from falling into the temptation of self-destruction. If that wall was lost, I would fall deep into the deep pits of loneliness.

I couldn't lose her now for the world.

My attention was snapped back into focus on my motive when I stumbled over a log. I fell face-first into the soggy leaves and grass from the recent rain, yelping. I grumbled, picking myself up and brushing off the mud and sticks. I was about to take off again when I noticed a triangular black shape connected to a quarter-circle. I stumbled over to it and picked it up.

It was the other half of Hermione's headband.

My chest burst from excitement and I anxiously peered around my vicinity, like I did with every clue I found to see if a hint of any "secret hideout" was visible.

Then I saw it. An split opening into the wedge of a small cliff to my left that was covered with moss and trees. I inched closer, apprehensive yet captivated by my fathers use of the forest to occupy his needs.

I suck the broken end of the headband into my trouser pocket and moved the vines away from the opening. There was a wooden door with a stone hatch. I eagerly yanked at the hatch and pushed open the door.

There is a barrier of rocks behind the door. I gingerly hold out my hand and remove a single rock.

Nothing happens. I start to tear through the miniature boulders, getting multiple cuts and scratches along my arms. I rip through the barrier in less than twenty minutes, adrenaline high. I peer into the darkness and see the light glow of a torch in the distance.

I rest for a moment and realize that was a little too easy. Now I know its a trap, but I have no other choice but to venture farther into the cave.

I snuff out my wand to prevent someone or something noticing my presence any more than I need them to.

I stagger into the darkness within.



"That stupid, evil little snake," I seethe, digging my fork into the table. I receive multiple strange looks from other wizards at the Gryffindor table, but I don't give a crap. Malfoy put my girl in danger.

Harry was staring at me with a pitiful look on his face. He was crushed by the fact that one of his best friends was missing. And my heart? Completely. Obliterated.

"You can't blame Malfoy for everything, Ron. He did inform us that 'Mione was kidnapped...," Harry mumbled miserably.

I was getting so irritated with everyone's defending of Malfoy. "Come one mate! He told us just to stay where we are and do nothing to try and help him find her! Doesn't that sound a little suspicious!" I spit out.

"It's not like we know how to find her, man. Malfoy does, and it would have take. Him to long to explain," Harry says then winces. He hates not being able to save everyone.

Grinding my teeth, I stand up angrily and swivel around. "Well, I'm going out to save her first. I just can sit here any longer knowing that Malfoy, the one who screwed everything up for me, is going to try and save the love of my life!" I yell. Harry sinks in his seat, looking defeated. Ginny, who was being very quite throughout this whole affair finally said something. "I agree for the most part, Ron, but Malfoy wasn't the one who ruined your relationship. That was you and your jealousy. Go ahead and try and pretend that Malfoy is no good, but he is Hermione's best chance."

Now I'm mad. I march out of the Great Hall with Ginny's indignant stare following me.

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