Chapter 23

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Hermione POV

Draco's back slams into the wall as Lucius tosses him. I hear a crack and grimace. He groans in pain, his eyes tearing up as he uses the wall as a support for his head. My own is dizzy from the kiss, but I immediately jump up when the chains are finally unlocked.
Lucius has abandoned fighting his son, acknowledging the fact of his injury. I raise my wand, ready for battle. Lucius chuckles, and I narrow my eyes. What is wrong with this man?
"Levicorp-," I begin to shout, but Lucius is stupidly quick on his feet and choses the physical approach. I am knocked to the floor, which splinters my wand from the tip to the bottom.
My heart sinks. 'This must be what Harry felt like,' I think, feeling more guilt. I snap out of my self-pity, focusing on Lucius and what he has done.Kidnapping me, hurting and taunting his own son, and now, breaking my wand. That's it.
"NO MORE!" I scream and charge Lucius, latching onto his neck and kicking the back of his legs like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Draco groans again from the corner and sits up, his head lolling and eyes focusing on the scene in front of him. I must look like a rampaging little cat. How unprofessional for a Prefect!
Lucius tries a counter attack by grabbing the collar of my dress and flips me through the air to his front, but I pull of some kind of anime move and land on my feet. His face drops and I grin, quickly jabbing his eyes with my knuckles. He howls, rubbing his eyes. I kick his bad leg and turn to Draco.
He is still on the floor, taking in the sight. First, his face shows surprise, then glee, then despair. Despair? But why would he be losing hope now?
A pair of thin, strong arms wrap around me from behind, crushing my chest. I am gasping for breath, and the familiar cool touch of a wand to my throat tells me my fate.
Draco, in obvious agony, struggles to drag himself towards us. He is bleeding and writhes on the floor, tears beginning to fall. "LET HER GO Y-," but is silenced by the effort of yelling.
Lucius sneers horribly from behind me, and I start to realize the velocity of this situation. The wand moves from my neck to my temple and I look down at Draco, distraught.
"Any last words, mudblood." Lucius taunts, and I choke up, locking eyes with Draco, my love. My Prince Charming.
"Draco..." I whisper, my voice raspy. Draco's face saddens more when I say his name." I will never forget you... no matter what any force of nature tries to do to separate us- I won't let it win. Don't let it, Draco. I.. Always."
Draco struggles to speak, but no sound comes out when his mouth opens, his face twisting unbelievable rage.
Lucius holds me tighter and yells, "Obliviate!"
and darkness of the void encircles me as the screaming howls of my last love are blocked out.

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