23rd Poem: Bear

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Thank you 1mizzsweets1 for giving me a word to use for a poem. :)

I asked another friend

to give me a word to rhyme

and the word she chose was


When I think of bears,

I think of real ones 


I think of cartoons.

I think of Baloo


Paddington too.



and Winnie the Pooh.

The muppet bear Fozzie,

the Bernstein bears-

Sister and Brother bear,

Coca-Cola panda bears,

Care bears,

build- a -bears,

Koda and Kenai,



Corporal from the Penguins of Madagascar movie.

When I think of bears,

I think of my stuffed bears

the ones so soft,

the ones that I hug,

the ones that adorned my bed.

When I think of bears, 

I think of a bear cub,

all adorable and brand new,

unknowing of the crazy world they live in.

I think of panda bears,

red pandas,

polar bears,

brown bears,

grizzly bears,

and black bears.

I think of a book I read 

where a girl almost got 

attacked by a mother bear.

Momma Bear was only trying to

protect her cubs,

for she thought they were in danger.

When I think of bears,

I don't think of killers,

I think of a species doing 

what all species do to survive-

protecting themselves and their young.

I'm not saying if I see a bear

I won't freak out,

because I probably would,

but if they don't see you

as a threat,

you should be fine.

It's true 

that they do

have an excellent sense of smell,

but their eyesight is top notch as well.

Especially when

day turns to night,

and their awesome night vision comes out.

Have any of you seen a bear?

I wish I could.

Maybe not up close,

but a few yards away.

Maybe one day,

I'll see bears play,

and see how they survive,

all throughout the day.


So yeah that was random af but XD enjoy the video up top!! OMG THE MEMORIES!


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