101st Poem: Dee Dee :)

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somehow, you make me laugh as you 

cockblock my sleep everyday, 

but I don't mind.

You are yourself, 

whether you like it or not, 

and I respect that.

In fact, I love that you're yourself. 

You're a pretty cool dude.

I'm happy that you 

feel like you can tell me things,

ecstatic that you inform me of 

your embarrassing moments [lol so many of those],

grateful that you like my randomness.

You make me smile, 

you make me snort, 

you make me sad, 

you make me feel... nice,

for lack of a better word.

You're cool, 

even if others don't think so, 

funny in your own dorky way,

boyish in your jokes,

in ways some people 

may not be able to appreciate,

caring in your heart...

I appreciate it. 

I hope you learn to 

appreciate yourself too.

You are absolutely hard, 

strong because you feel like you need to be,

you know, the macho man thing.

You're sweet like candy, 

crispy like chicken [lol I had too],

weird around rugs [bwahahahaha],

and igloos scar you [mwahahaha],

but all of that's okay because 

those are all traits of you.

You're a lowkey romantic, 

except I always ruin the moment,

you're a nice pillow,

even though I've never felt it,

an awesome person,

if only you'd believe it,

quick to apologize because

you're scared of rejection,

even though there's no need to be,

a wonderful person if there ever could be.


you're a nuggethead boy [don't even think about calling yourself a man -.-],

a loser [hehe],

a stealer of food,

a ruiner of my brain's innocence [eh, sort of],

and a total dork, 

but I like those things about you.

You're Dee Dee,

with a new and improved version of the nickname,

the guy who blows my life everyday,

keeps me laughing and floating on air,

and the strongest guy I've ever met.

Dummkopf. ;)


Some of the things said may not be understood by others because they are kind of inside jokes, but eh he knows what I'm saying lol.

Oh and to people who don't know, that last line is German. 

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