58th Poem: Hate

71 11 6


A word often referred to as one

you should never say because

it is too strong a word.

Well duh,

why do you think I say it?

I say it about sweet potatoes,



and on occasion, 

swim practice.

You caught that

'myself part'

didn't you?

Well that's depressing.

Now I'll have to 

explain myself.

It's actually pretty simple.

I hate myself


that's that.

Why you may ask?

Well to that I ask, 

why not?

I mean look at me!

What is intelligence?

What is self love?

What is beauty?

What is cool?

What is nice?

None of those adjectives

can be used to 

describe me...

at least,

 I don't think so.

The only thing that can

correctly describe me is

'one who loathes herself.'

Most days at least.

There are some good days though.


I don't look in mirrors

except to make a funny face,

a funny face to replace the

hate, scorn, distaste,

bad thoughts, frowns, fake smiles...

all the things I don't like about myself.

What is there to like?

Not much.

I'm just a weird girl,

floating through life,

doing the same routine each day,

avoiding mirrors

with all of her might.


Because mirrors reflect the thing sitting on the other side.


I only hate myself sometimes...

Song: Lonely - Speaker Knockerz [CLEAN]

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