[Sixty Nine]

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"I suppose when I am older; maybe then I'll love myself more. I think I am starting to. Maybe.. I don't freaking know."


I am starting to love myself, I actually am :) 

I've long since accepted myself as I am, but when I am left alone to my thoughts.. other thoughts like these surface. Why did I stop liking myself? I think.. I think there are multiple reasons.

My stepmom talks shizzle about me to my dad behind my back and the things she's said make me feel like shit to be honest. I started feeling like I wasn't good enough and that I couldn't do anything right.

A girl I know, one I consider a friend, calls me a loser sometimes and I know it's just a joke but sometimes when I think about it I begin to feel like one...

Many things swirl through my mind, some good and some not so much. But I'm okay.

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