42nd Poem: Summertime

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Song of chapter: Summertime- The Fresh Prince and Dj Jazzy Jeff

Am I the only person that

doesn't like the 


Honestly, I don't like the heat

or the sitting at home,

I'm basically too old for camp

and I don't have a phone.

I sit at home,

bored out of my mind.

I don't watch TV,

and I can't play on my Wii.

My PS4 is blocked in with boxes,

the only way to get to it is if I climb across it

My nearest friend is a couch potato

and the others I haven't talked much to

I sit around at home,

getting on this website,

honestly the only other thing going on is

my swim life.

Swim season ended and now

there's nothing to do,

and even then swimming only started at seven

so once it was over at nine

there was still a whole day ahead of me,

to be filled with wasted time.

I don't particularly like school,

but I wouldn't say I hate it,

in fact,

I've actually been wanting to go back because

all of my friendships could get reinstated.

I don't like the workload and 

I find back to school ads depressing,

but even so I wish school would just start

so I could kill two birds with one stone.

I want to get school over with, 

because the faster the better

and this summer felt like it was dragging on,

pulling me under.

I was drowning in boredom,

resulting in my pensive state,

keeping me stuck in my thoughts,

seldom coming out.

It's hot,

it's wet,

there's bugs,

there's sweat,

the weather becomes bipolar,

as you hear the occasional sound of a lawn mower,

you see some joggers, bikers, and families-

leaving you wishing you had it like that,

or at least you could be as happy as they could.

Summertime is cool and all 

because we all deserve a break,

but seriously I'm not sure how much more 

of this break I can take!

Thank God school is starting

August 26th,

or I would've probably blown 

a gasket!

I'm bored af

with no motivation to right

I've been up reading stories

barely writing my own

feel like I'm letting,

various people down

not been doing much of anything

feeling like a clown

summertime does this to me...

Tell me,

am I the only one with a frown?

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