52nd Poem: My Twelve Year Old Bully

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*Hehe I can't believe you guys still haven't noticed that I only have 51 poems on here. One is still unpublished because ;p I never posted it.*

My twelve year old bully,

a girl from my swim team,

finally won.

She finally managed to make me cry.

It was early this morning,

about 6:50 or so,

when I thought her words over,

and some of our convos.


she wasn't there to see me cry,

nor did she say all these words at 

the same times,

but still,

the pain they bring is 


It's pathetic, right?

Letting her words get to me?

I think so too.

But it's hard.

I try to keep them out,

 I really do,

but her words sink in like 

the Titanic sunk into the North Atlantic Ocean.

Do you ever get upset about something

then think of a scenario where you

confront the person and tell them how you feel?

That happened to me.

I thought of her words from yesterday

as I was walking my dog, 

which, to be quite honest,

is a brilliant example of how her words stick,

and began to cry.

A tear rolled down my face,

then another tear followed,

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