26th Poem: Shadow

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Word from Bookgirlgeek11. Thanks a lot!! I like this word, it makes me really think. 

Song of chapter: Music Saved My Life by Futuristic

So when I think of the word shadow

I don't first think of the thing that shows

in different lighting,

the thing that follows me around,

but only in the light.

I think of myself,

standing in the shadows,

keeping to myself,

not talking to anybody else.

I observe people,

observe the things around me,

keeping myself out.

I don't speak unless spoken to,

unless we become friends

and you are someone to 

talk to.

I feel like I can stick in the shadows,

and no one would notice that I was gone.

I feel like I can hide in the shadows,

and no one would come to seek me out.

I could get swallowed

 by the shadows

and the Shadow Hunters would have 

to come and save me

but honestly why would they,

it's just me,

little old me-

they probably wouldn't even

see me.

You never know what will

lurk in the shadows,

ready to take you in.

Shadows aren't all bad though.

You can manipulate the darkness,

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