78th Poem: To Maire {3} Mirrors

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Nobody sees what I see, 

the beautiful being inside of you,

the heart that beats like a pop song,

the soul that wanders with passion.

Yet, even with these wonders...

you have flaws.

But it's okay, because only I see them,

and I don't mind them because they're what makes you human,

and if you look through the mirror you won't see them,

but the tired eyes are what you will see,

tear stains on your cheeks,

the messy hair that actually isn't a strand out of place,

the ugly face that you don't have,

the underlining insecurities written underneath your skin,

entwined in your bones.

Nobody, nobody sees them but me.

And I'm just hoping that when you look in that mirror,

you'll see me.

I'll be right behind you, breathing in sync, ready to

massage your insecurities away and kiss it all better.

So just look in the mirror, Maire, look real hard, because I'll be

standing right there until death do us part.


Yet another poem for the lovely Mumal16 to be added to her story soon! 

I hope you guys liked it (sorry for being MIA w/ my poems, I have tons lined up for you guys!) and always remember, you are beautiful, no matter what ANY cuntbucket says. 

Beauty quote: "If I were blind, within my heart I could still see the beauty that is you." -Unknown

Just goes to show you that beauty is in the outside. Anything outside is purely coincidental. Someone can look good, but be the ugliest person inside. Stay true and be you, it's the best thing that you can do. (HAHA THAT RHYME THOUGH;)

Song: Mirrors - Justin Timberlake

Body {Prose Vol. 1}✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ