66th Poem: To Maire {2} Inner Insecurities

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A poem written for Mumal16's book, Our Modern Fairytale. Go check out her book as well:)

Hello Maire,

I felt as though

To Mairie was a bit formal,

so I switched it up

in hopes of connecting with you

a bit more than I have

since you don't know who I am.

But I can't, I won't.

I'd love to be closer to your

melodic laugh, to make you smile, 

or maybe just talk

 but I'm scared that once I show you who I am,

you'll stop liking me and see 

my inner insecurities.

-Your secret admirer.


You will probably see a lot of these poems because I am in charge of writing poems for Mumal16's entire book (yay me!) and she doesn't want to give up who the secret admirer is anytime soon. 

Suffer haha.

Even I do not know for sure who the secret admirer is, so please nobody ask me because I will not ask her for you!

I have written one poem for her before this, and you can find it in Chapter 7 of Our Modern Fairytale. 

Link to her book in external link! 

More poems to come so be on the look out! :D

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