76th Poem: One

40 10 4

One word out of her mouth 

penetrates my skin like a thousand bullets,

one sentence like an invisible military force,

pushing me further into my already broken shell,

the shell of a girl who knows not how she used to be.


more dejected thought,


more minute of hearing an irritating voice


last second left before my heart will burst


last breath, stolen away from me,

everything happening in increments of one,

One, One, One.

One child,

restricted of her birthright to freedom of speech,

One unrelated person,

brought in by marriage,

whose MO appears to be to rid herself of 

the burden of another's child,

or at the very least to 

use the child as her personal picker upper.


maybe not,

but to me,

one person,

one girl,

one sophomore doing 

more than she bargained for,

one child,

it seems so.

Sad that this one child feels this way,

because this one child only plays nice

for her father loves this one unrelated,

and this one child is not one to interfere.

This one child does not want to leave for college

and have her father lonely and unhappy.

But then again...

he doesn't exactly seem too

 happy with the unrelated either.

Maybe one day,

this one child can figure out

how to rid the tensions and hostility

that lingers in the air every time

the unrelated enters a room.


Poem based off of step (unrelated person mentioned) getting mad and calling me a child for putting on pj's AT NIGHT just to go outside and walk my dog. I put them on bcuz I was going straight to bed after and NOBODY is outside to see me. 

Oh, and news flash, I AM a child. Fifteen years old is still the age of a child. I am still technically a child until the age of eighteen. Even then, you are basically still a child. Why the heck would I want to act older?? It is usually considered a bad thing when people say you act grown, just saying. *eye roll* 

P.s. This idea was added to a chapter a week or two ago, which is when the event happened.

Song: One More Night - Maroon 5

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