Chapter 2

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Teenagers-My Chemical Romance

It started as an annoying buzz, and progressed to a shrill beeping. My alarm. I blindly smacked my hand over the device that was blaring into my ears and disrupting my sleep. It stopped. However that alarm had brought with it my mother.

"Wake up!" I hear my mom demand as she opens my bedroom door.

"Mmmm. Don't want to." I groan turning my head the other way so the sun is no longer in my face.

"Get up! Its Monday. You need to get ready for school."

"Mondays suck..." I groan groggily, not capable of normal human speech quite yet.

At that my mom laughs lightly.

"Well ain't that the truth. But you need to wake up. Come on." She reiterates, giving my arm a little shake for good measure.

"Okay, okay, I'm up, I'm up." I assure her, lifting my head up slightly.

Mom smiles in a satisfied way and turns around. "Good. I'll get your breakfast started." She says as she walks out the door.

I lay there in my bed for a few minutes longer, dreading getting up and out of my beautifully soft comforter and my incredibly comfortable bed.

Gosh I hate Mondays... is all I can think as I stumble into the shower, letting the cold water wake me up, as it grew warm.

After finishing my shower routine, I stay in a few moments longer to ensure my wakefulness, then get out, dry off, and walk over to my dresser.

I open the drawers and begin rifling through, like any other day. Waiting for something to pop.

After going through multiple outfit ideas, I settle on a rich cream colored shark bite lace dress that was knee length. A long maroon sweater to pull over it, and a pair of light brown leather boots. A matching headband to tie the boots in, and then I was good to go.

After that I blow dry my hair and put on some mascara, with a slight touch of eyeliner, I don't do my makeup often, but it just felt right today.

I race down the steps to find my mom setting down a plate of poptarts. Not waffles, but I love Poptarts. Like seriously, its an unnatural love affair. If my name was Bonnie, Poptarts would be my Clyde.

"Ah, You know just what I like! Thanks mom." I exclaim and give her a hug as I rush by to grab the delicacies.

I grab three poptarts and a paper towel and run out the door, already stuffing my face as I drive down the block to my friend's house.

I pull into Abigail's driveway and honk the horn.

After a good five minutes, Abigail walks out with a pair of skinny jeans and a tight pink V-neck sweater.

"You look cute." I compliment as she steps in.

"Tell me something I don't know." she brags jokingly and dramatically flips her blonde hair over her shoulder, making me laugh.

She gives me a once over and says "and you look...quirky" interesting to say the least. It's a good thing she's pretty.

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