Chapter 37

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I know that the song above, Untitled-Simple Plan is supposed to be about a drunk driving car accident, but I think if you wait until after you've read the entire chapter, this song can seriously relate to Bethany's life.

I'm shaken awake the next morning. When I open my eyes, I see mom looking down at me worried "honey, why are you asleep in my bed? Is everything okay?" She asks. I numbly nod my head. Sick of lying, but I know I can't tell her the truth. After all, how do you tell somebody that a serial killer held a knife to their sleeping body and is planning to murder them in front of their daughters eyes soon? You figure out how, and let me know okay? Mom doesn't look quite convinced but she doesn't question me any farther "it's time for school. You have twenty minutes to get ready" she says before kissing my dried-tear covered cheek. A loud groan comes out of me. Mom probably thinks I'm groaning because it's Monday, but that's only a fourth of the reason. I don't know what to do about Slyder and it's scaring me so much.

I get out of bed and slip on some sweatpants and a baggy Black Veil Brides sweatshirt, before putting my tangled hair into a messy bun on top of my head. Is it just me or does messy buns and sloppy clothes always seem to be my style of choice lately?

I grab my phone and trudge out of the house and into my car. I feel like I didn't get a single ounce of sleep, which is basically true because I only slept for an hour and a half. I was up the entire night crying, worrying, and trying to plan, of course all of my plans led to dead ends, which only made me cry and worry more.

I honk the horn four or five times in a row when I get to Abigail's house. Even though I wait for fifteen minutes (which means I'm going to be fifteen-twenty minutes late to school), she never shows up. I call her but it goes to voicemail. Panic is running through me. What if Slyder kidnapped her? What if he murdered her? What if he's in there right now? My heart is pounding wildly in my chest. I run up to her house and am literally about to kick her door until it opens, when I see a note taped to it.

Hey Bestie Bethy.
Jake-being the total hot, gentlemen he is-picked me up today on his sexy motorcycle. Thanks for coming to get me though. See you in school! :D

I yank the note off the door and crumple it in my clenched fist. I was worried sick about her! Ugh stupid, annoying, life destroying Jake!

I stomp back to my car and slam the door shut, peeling out of the driveway and towards school as fast as my car will take me. When I get to school I park and stomp up the stairs, flinging the door open. I am in a seriously pissed off mood at the moment. As soon as I walk in I see an empty hallway, well it would be empty if it weren't for one specific, horrible, sick person that stood there watching me with a smirk of his lips and a quirked eyebrow. "Look at little miss tardy. Who knew you were such a rebel" Jake mocks. Anger is the only emotion I'm feeling at the moment. Jake is destroying my life. If it weren't for Jake, Abigail would be dating a normal human being who isn't planning to murder her best friend. If it weren't for Jake, my biggest problem at the moment would probably be some test that's coming up. If it weren't for Jake, I would have gotten plenty of sleep last night. If it weren't for Jake, I wouldn't have to worry about my moms safety. If it weren't for Jake, I could enjoy my amazing relationship with Brandon. If it weren't for Jake, I would be happy.

Jake must have noticed the pure anger in my eyes as I stomp towards him because suddenly his eyes are widening and he's putting his hands in the air. "Why me?" I scream hearing my voice echo through the empty hallway. "Why did you have to come into my life? And threaten my mom? And date my best friend? And live right next door to my house? Why did you have to come and completely destroy my happiness? My life?" I scream not caring who the hell hears me "huh?" I shout so loud my throat is hurting "why me?" I scream standing directly in front of him. Jake stares at me with wide eyes, clearly unsure of what to say or do. I don't waver, I stand my ground and stare into his eyes, not caring to hold back a single ounce of my anger. "Princess-" he says sounding sympathetic as his hand reaches out and gently grabs my upper arm. "DON'T CALL ME THAT, AND DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!" I scream so loud that people are actually coming out of the classrooms to see what's going on. I ignore all of them and smack Jake's outstretched arm. It must have hurt because he yanks his arm away to reveal a bright red hand mark.

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