Chapter 59

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I wake up with an intensive pounding, beating the inside of my head.

Have you ever had such a horrible headache that it legitimately feels like there's something on the inside of your head that's beating your skull as hard as it can over and over and over again? No? Don't worry, me neither. Until now that is.

This migraine is so much worse than the one I had in Adelram's room.

Just moving my head even slightly feels like whiplash.

I finally can't force myself to move my head anymore and simply look around with my eyes.

I'm in a dimly lit room where there's nothing but the hard metal chair that I'm currently bolted to.

My whole face, arms, legs, everything is stinging and hurting. I look down at my torn, ratty clothes, and my dried blood coated body.

I'm in so much pain right now. My head hurts too much. My body hurts too much. My skin hurts too much. Everything seems to hurt too much. As soon as I had awoken my senses started to send back reports to my brain. There are cuts, scrapes, and gnashes in almost every part of my body. I squeeze my eyes back shut. Not because I don't want to look around some more, but because it hurts too much to keep them open.

Every single movement I make, no matter how small, sends a thousand ripples of pain through my entire body.

The most I can do is sag my head and whimper in pain.

I hear the door in front of me open, but I can't force myself to open my eyes. I can't force myself to care enough about looking at the monster I know stands before me.

But I guess the decision of where I look isn't mine, because suddenly I feel a dry hand roughly grip my jaw and jerk my head upwards. This simple action makes me whimper like a dog. A thousand bolts of throbbing pain crashing through my head inside and out.

"How does it feel Princess? How does it feel to know that despite all of the training and fighting that in the end, I was still more powerful than you?" Slyder questions mockingly.

I want to lift my head, to spit in his face and tell him that it was all worth it, because I saved my best friend. I want to laugh at him and tell him that he's not more powerful than me, tell him that the only reason he won that fight is because he tricked me. I want to kick him in the balls and tell him that Adelram was going to come and save me, that he'd never win. But that would be underestimating the pain that i'm going through. that would be beating the impossible. I can't do any of that. I can't move, I don't even think I can talk.

I hear a laugh as loud as a ambulance siren bounce of the walls. "Oh sweetheart, no. Don't tell me you actually think Adelram's going to come save you. After I knocked you out, he came pulling up. He tried to fight me, but, well, let's just say he failed...miserably" Slyder cackles.

His words come falling down on me like bricks. He's lying. He has to be lying. Adelram can't be dead, he's alive..he-he has to be.

"Go ahead, don't believe me. Doesn't really make a difference for me, you"ll be dead soon anyways" Slyder shrugs.

I finally force my eyes open, just so I can see what form this hate-filled voice belongs to.

In front of me stands a buff guy with a shiny bald head and light brown, angry eyes. tattoo's fill every surface of this man's arms. This is the form that Slyder has chosen to morph into, but I don't believe it's the real him. Behind the red masked man were orange-red eyes, it's such an unusual color, the look behind those orange-red eyes was dead. It's as if there were no emotions whatsoever inside the owner of those strange, horrid eyes. And that's what makes me so sure that form was Slyder's true form.

I open my mouth to spit out words of pure hatred, but nothing comes out. I can't even speak.

Suddenly, Slyder's hand smashes against my cheek. it's just a simple slap across the face and yet with the pain i'm feeling, you'd think he just threw a 11 pound cast iron skillet at me.

Why does this hurt so much? I hear a quiet gasp escape my trembling lips.

"Wanna know a special little power of mine?" Slyder asks. Without waiting for my answer, he continues. "I can increase pain. That's right, every single amount of torture I put you through will be increased to the maximum length, just like I did with your mom, your friend, and soon your aunt, boyfriend, and friend once again." Slyder threatens with a mocking laugh. With that he turns away from me and leaves the room, the door slamming shut behind him with a ear piercing ring.

I feel my whole body shake, my breath pouring out in deep heaves. How am I supposed to ensure my friend's and family's safety if I'm not even alive?

I need to escape, that much is obvious, how the hell I'm supposed to pull that off, I have no idea. But no matter how urgent it is, I can feel my eyes drooping as the yawns come flooding out. sleep pulls me in fast and swiftly, it's mere seconds before I've fallen into the deep abyss I call sleep.


Hey guys. I'm in a pretty crappy mood, I feel like running away to some cozy cave, escaping all electricity, school, friends, and drama, I feel like living in that cozy little cave until the end of my life.

Ever just hate life and everybody in it? I do, a lot. Including now. But nobody wants hear about that so hang on a sec.

*takes deep breath and smiles brightly*

HEY Y'ALL! Tell me now, what. Is. Up???????

Okay so Slyder kidnapped Kamaria, and explained to her why everything hurts so much. That's why her nose blew up so dramatically when Slyder was shifted into Brandon, he used his ability to increase the pain and outcome of her smashing into the door.

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