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Say you won't let go-James Arthur

Three Months Later...

Dear Diary.

Hey, it's me again, the awkward loser you call...well, awkward loser. Just kidding, sorry I'm bored...is this how you're supposed to write in a diary? I'm like totally confused, this is only my third entry, my mom said it would be good for me and my missing memory, but if I'm being completely honest, this is really strange feeling. I mean, I'm talking to a piece of paper! But whatever, I promised her I'd give it a try.

So today I went on a date with my boyfriend of two months-have I told you about him yet? Hang on, let me look at the other two entries...nope! Okay well let's see, where do I even start?

His name is Adelram, (but I secretly call him Blue Eyes) He's tall, with dark black hair, electric blue eyes, and has the worlds hottest smirk. And while all of that is great, I think my favorite thing about him-besides his personality of course-is his scent. It's just so comforting and oddly familiar despite the fact that it's unlike any other smell. He always-no matter what-smells like peppermint with this small hint of orange. Strange, I know. But I love it, find comfort in it that's so strong and intense, it's kind of scary.

We met three months ago when he was suddenly in my bedroom-creepy I know!- but he explained he had just moved in next door and my mom sent him up there. We got to talking, every night we'd open our windows and just chat about whatever.

We instantly clicked, and as cliche as it sounds, I felt like I had known him for years.

But for the first month we only stayed friends, I've never had a boyfriend in my life and I had planned to keep it that way at least until college, but he changed all of that.

And I swear he's the sweetest guy ever! He calls me 'Princess' and is always telling me how beautiful I am...of course, he's always calling himself that too...he's pretty cocky. But his adorable personality makes up for it.

But anyways! Back to the date...oh goodness the date. (Cue sappy sigh)

It's like he knew my dream date or something, it was absolutely perfect!

First we hiked this huge mountain-by the time we reached the top, I was completely exhausted, but it was totally worth it-then he pulled out a six pack of my favorite drink-cream soda, two sandwiches, and this portable radio that he stuck a speaker into, it quietly played this super corny, cheesy romance music as we sat there watching the sunset, talking about pretty much everything. He told me that he wanted to show me his hometown sometime soon, and a video he had prepared for me. He says it's long, and that I need to prepare myself-whatever that means-I personally cannot wait!

After a while of sitting in comfortable silence, he began telling me this fairy tail story he made up about a girl named Kamaria, and a guy named Jake, it was a romance story, absolutely heart melting adorable! I told him he had to make it into a real book, but he said that he's no good at writing. I think that's a pretty big disappointment because I'm telling you, this story was incredible!

But anyways, after sitting there for I don't even know how long, (of course some making out) we decided to head back down, but my legs were way sore and I was so tired of walking-so, you wouldn't believe what he did, he squat down and pooped! Just kidding lol, but he squat down and lifted me onto his back. He gave me a piggy back ride all the way down the mountain.

I swear he's the closest thing there is to perfect. I don't know how I ever was lucky enough to score him, yet he's always the one talking about how he's the luckiest guy in the world because he has me.

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