Chapter 4

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Reject-Five Seconds of Summer

Mr. Ampler begins by clearing his throat. "Bethany, Jake. I'm very disappointed in you two. I was willing to look past the obviously fake introduction of Jake." he pauses to give me a hard look.

"But your introduction was unacceptable Jake. I don't find it amusing when my students embarrass each other, especially so inappropriately.bSince you two are going to be working together for this whole year, you're going to have to get along. So, you both are going to have an extra project together. One I feel will bond you two closer. I haven't yet figured out what that project will be, but I'll let you know when I have."

Seriously? Now I had to work with this jerk again? As if It wasn't torture enough having to be his partner all year.

"Yes sir." I politely agree.

"Thank you. You're excused." Mr. Ampler says simply with a nod. "And Jake, Bethany?" He adds. "Yes, sir?" I question. "Don't ever think about doing anything like that in my class again. From here on out you two will learn to act like the adults you are and treat each other with respect and at least civilized manner. Understood?"

Jake simply stands there with crossed arms and says nothing. I nod my head but don't speak. I've never ever gotten in any sort of trouble with a teacher before this. It's all stupid Jake's fault.

As we're walking out the door, Jake mutters "this is bull." under his breath, the annoyance in his voice audible.

"Yeah well it's all your fault." I snap.

Jake looks up at me with an expression of both annoyance and shock. "Mine? You started it when you made me sound gay!" He exclaimed.

"What? Scared you'll lose all the ladies?" I snark sarcastically.

He scoffs "we all know that's not possible." He brags with a scowl.

"Ugh you're so full of yourself." I retort, stomping past him making sure he sees the glare I send his way.

"You would be too if you looked like this." he yells after me

I roll my eyes but say nothing in response, because it's annoyingly true. Why does he get to be so cute, and such a jerk? Ugh.


When I get home nobody is there as usual.

I often have the house to myself because my father passed when I was younger, and my mother is usually working harder to compensate.

Mom is a chef. Even though we don't need the extra money, my mom cooks because she has a true passion for it. She cooks at a very fancy and expensive restaurant in the city. Athough her job keeps her busy much of the time, she always tries her best to be home as much as possible. When she is home, she tries to find ways to be with me, like her normal routine of waking me up in the morning and "cooking" me breakfast, or just having a short talk about whatever, and on the sixteenth of every month, we both watch a movie together, (even though she's usually exhausted from work).I can tell she tries her hardest to be the best mom she can, and I really do think that she is. Her and my father had been so different, it's strange that they ever fell in love.

Even though they're so different, I could only dream of ever finding love like my mom and dad had. They're love was so strong and beautiful you could practically see it, it was undeniable. No matter what was going on, even during their few arguments you could still tell they loved each other with everything in them. A part of my mom died along with my father, but she's good at hiding it. When my mom talks about him, there's this little twinkle in her eye to even out the sad smile that quivers with the mention of his name. Even though my dad died, instead of being sad when mom talks about dad, she's always smiling this sad yet somehow happy smile. I think it's really sweet.

I grab a bag of chips and a Sprite before jogging up the stairs and slipping into my room. I slide in A Walk to Remember, as I crunch on my chips. And an hour and forty two minutes later, I'm crying like a baby.

This movie gets me every time. Every, time.
A sound piques my interest, what sounds like a knock, so I turn the tv off, to hear clearly.

Knock knock knock knock knock. *pause* knock knock.

I roll my eyes as I stand up and race down the stairs, not bothering to look through the peep hole as I swing open the door, already knowing it's Abigail from the knock. She always had a particular rhythm.

A grinning Abigail looks at me as I lean against the doorframe "What're you so happy about?" I ask

"Oh nothing, I just thought you should know that a certain someone is planning to ask you to prom in front of the whole school!" Abigail squeals.

Say what?

"What? No, I hate those big dramatic gestures, you know that." I whine. "Who is it, anyways?"

Abigail rolls her eyes at my lack of excitement "Come on this is a good thing, it's going to be so cute!" She enthuses. "I don't actually know who it is yet, Angela wouldn't tell me." Abigail grumbles.

This whole situation sounded slightly suspicious if you asked me, but of course, no one would. Who would be planning to ask me to prom? and why on earth would they think it's a good idea to make a big cheesy, and public gesture of it?

"Apparently it's going to take some time to plan, so it'll be a few days until he actually does it, until then, we can work on your response, how you'll say 'yes' of course." Abi states as she pushes through me walking inside my house. I groan at the thought of practicing something as grossly overrated as that, but I know Abigail won't let me get away with not practicing. I swear, this girl has got her priorities all mixed up. I mean, who worries about how you're going to say yes to a bogus invite, to a prom that no one will even remember in ten years?
Who even said I had to say yes? These prom things were so monotonous, anyways. Pointless really.

But Abigail wants me to say yes, so say yes I shall.


Sorry this was just kind of a filler chapter.

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