Chapter 45

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I accompany Jake into the Eribiss looking around with wide eyes and my mouth agape at the beauty stretching across the land. Surrounding me are mansions larger than I could ever imagine. Not only do they practically reach the sky, (okay that was a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point) but they are also up to twelve miles long, so Jake tells me (that's not an exaggeration!). He's acting as my tour guide, and its priceless.

Jake glances for at my awestruck expression and smirks. "This place is..." I couldn't even think of the word to describe this place, it's Incredible, gigantic, unbelievable, stunning, breathtaking, implausible; none of these words even come close to describing what I see before me, but they're close.
"Home."  Jake says quietly to himself, finishing my sentence, but looking lost in his thoughts for a second.

He peers over at me from under his eyelashes, biting his lip.
"I know we're on a time limit, but you're going to have to wait until tomorrow to meet Mr. Komachi, your trainer. I'm sorry, princess."
I feel my heart drop at his words, I want so badly to start as soon as I can, not only because I'm eager to be able to use my supposed powers, but because I am eager to quickly learn them so that I can save Abigail before it's too late. Not to mention myself!  Jake knows what he's talking about though, this is is world after all, so I don't argue. "Where do we go until then?" I question. Jake's face lights up as his lips form a toothy grin "My home."  He enthuses proudly. I can't help but grin back as I quirk an eyebrow. Jakes smiles are contagious, and irresistible. Now that, I'm definitely excited to see. I wonder if he has a family that lives with him, or if he is all alone, but I don't ask although I'm burning with unbridled curiosity.

I can practically feel Jake's excitement as it bubbles out of him. I don't think I've ever seen Jake this excited about anything, or excited at all for that matter.  This fuels my need to know, but I refuse to give into it. Thankfully, Jake must have noticed my curiosity towards his excitement because he explains,  "I haven't seen my family in two years, and while I'm nervous, I'm also eager to finally see them again." Two years?! I can barely stay away from my mom for a weekend, I can't imagine. "You haven't seen your family in two years? Why?" I ask bewildered. Jake shrugs as he looks away "I've just been...busy with things." He replies distantly. I want to question him further, but I can tell the he feels regretful about it and I don't want to make him feel even worse about something that he might have had little to no say in. I mean, its not like he chose to guard me of his own volition. Right? The thought quickly fades.

We walk in comfortable silence after that for around twenty minutes. Jake abruptly stops walking "We're here." He whispers. I stop walking also and look over to where Jake is staring anxiously. "Why are you whispering-woah."

I literally hurt my jaw from lowering it so much. You know how I was talking about all of the humongous mansions all over this place? Yeah well they had nothing on this one. It's literally made of pure gold, pure gold! It appears to be four miles wide, but what it doesn't have in width, it has in height, It looks like a friggin forty five story house, or a fancy hotel. It's absolutely breathtaking with its white gold columns on either side of the golden porch, and a matching white gold roof. There's a stunning archway in front of the porch that's wrapped completely in red and white flowers.

After what feels like forever of me just staring completely frozen as I stand here awestuck, Jake looks back at me and gives me a small gentle smile. My cheeks flushed.
"I guess we should go in." he tells me hesitantly. I shake my head lightly trying to regain some sense of myself. "You're right." I confirm walking forward. Jake unconfidently-which is really strange to see considering he's like the most confident person I know-walks in front of me towards the unbelievably surreal mansion.

When we reach the door, Jake freezes, "Jake, are you alright?" I ask. "Uh... yeah, I think so, it's just, I haven't spoken a single word to them in two years, they have no idea I'm here, it's just kind of...nerve wracking I guess" he admits. I step forward and wrap my hand in his. At first he tenses in surprise, but it's not long before he relaxes and look over at me with a small smile that I return.

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