Chapter 26

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In this picture above, I wanted to show you how I picture each person in the story. I know that Ally and Abigail look alike, and that's for a reason. For all of you who have been following up on my updates, I went back and decided to make Abigail and Ally sisters. Ally is younger by 18 months. Sorry for the confusion! Also, I know that I have two different Jake pictures, but I could not find a guy with the same description anywhere online, at least not one that looked like how I pictured, so just picture that first guy with the other guy's hair.

To be honest, that's not how I picture Jake's at all, but it was the best I could find. I frickin looked online for like a bajillion years, finally I gave up and just used that. It's cool if you picture him with different hair, because I definitely do!

Here-Cover by Shawn Mendes

I wake up to see it's dark now outside. Glancing over at the clock, the red numbers glow showing that it's 11:30pm.

I groan. This is why I shouldn't have gone to sleep at 2:30pm, stupid me.

I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom where I brush my teeth and wash my face. What am I going to do now? I walk over to my bean bag chair and sit down clicking onto Facebook, I look at the newsfeed, nothing interesting. I click onto SnapChat, nobody's on. I go onto Instagram, all make up tutorials on there. After looking through a few more social medias, I have nothing left to do so I shut off my phone and look around.

What to do, what to do. Yeah okay I can't just keep sitting around here doing nothing. I call Abigail, Tessa, and Chloe, but none of them answer, finally Ally picks up after the fifth ring "hello?" Ally yells into the phone. I can barely hear her voice over the loud music from her side of the phone.

"Where are you?" I ask "what?" She yells into the phone "where are you?" I yell loudly "I'm at Theron's house, he threw a huge party!" She yells. I bite my lip, I've never been the party girl, ever, but I'm super bored, have nothing to do, all of my friends are there (except Tessa, she never goes to parties), mom's not home, and I can't call Brandon because I'm mad at him.

I sigh into the phone "where does he live?" I ask and I hear her squeal. I actually have to jerk the phone away from my ear before she broke my eardrum. "You're coming?" She asks "if you give me the address" I answer. She gives me the address and I tell her I'll see her soon "don't dress in something embarrassing, remember this is a party okay?" She says and I roll my eyes "when have I ever worn something embarrassing?" I ask. I can practically see the skeptical look that I know is on her face right now. "Okay okay, I won't" I tell her and hang up.

What's not embarrassing? I raid through my closet over and over again but soon I'm too frustrated to care because I don't even know what I'm looking for. Finally I settle on a black tank top, a light blue half hoodie (meaning the bottom of it comes to the top of my rib cage), a pair of extra skinny jeans, and some black ankle boots, and for the finishing touch I add a big beautiful blue bow in my hair. There, that's not embarrassing. I think to myself smiling proudly in the mirror.

With that I grab my moms keys and head to her car.

When I get there I step outside and instantly the smell of alcohol and body Odor waft through the air. I gag but quickly regain my composure. I walk up the front lawn, the sound of Wiggle-Jason Derulo fills the air. As I'm walking to the house filled with too much people, I pass by hundreds of red solo cups littering the ground and people making out on the grass. I push through sweaty person after sweaty person trying to force myself to remember why on earth I came here in the first place.

Inside the music is blaring too loud, the smell of body Oder is multiplied, everybody is either grinding on each other or making out, and every girl is wearing too short of dresses. "Excuse me" I say as I push trough the crowd of people. Finally I see a small area with no people and race to it relishing the feeling of room to move, but I soon find out why there's nobody standing there when I slip on a big pile of vomit. "Ahh!" I scream out as I fall backwards flailing my arms wildly, just before I hit the ground I feel arms catch me and open my eyes to see Mathew's face staring down at me with a small smirk on his face. Mathew is another one of the guys on the football team. He's average height with brown short hair and brown eyes. I quickly stand myself up and thank him.

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