Chapter 24

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I'm in my room at night all alone for the first time since Slyder came and knocked me out. I try to ignore the scared feeling I have, but I can't avoid it. I want to call Abigail to see if I can sleep over, but I already know that there's no way my mom will let me for a third night in a row. I think about calling Abigail to come over here, but I know that I'll still have that creeped out feeling. And last I think about calling Brandon, but I know that's completely pointless it's not like he's going to be allowed to sleep over.

Suddenly from that I get an idea, I admit it's a really dumb, immature, silly, and non ideal idea, but I feel like I have no other choice. So I walk over to my window and open it.

"Jake" I whisper. No reply "Jake!" I whisper yell, nothing.

I look around at the darkness outside and feel chills run up my arms. "Jake!" I finally call out in a normal voice. In seconds Jake is there at his window. "Hey Princess, what's up?" He asks.

Suddenly I feel really lame and I start fidgeting with my hands. What was I thinking? I can't ask him to sleep over here, he'd say no anyway. "Uh, nothing, night" I say and start shutting my window. I hear Jake sigh and then say "Princess, I'm worried about leaving you alone in there all night, can I sleep over again?" He asks "yes!" I exclaim way to fast and a cocky smirk lifts the ends of his lips "nice to know I'm as irresistible as I've always assumed I am" he says and I roll my eyes.

"just come over" I say and step back from my window. I watch in amazement as somehow, he dives head first out his window and lands with a roll almost silently in my room. "You're like a ninja or something!" I say baffled with wide eyes.

"A sexy ninja, right?" He asks stepping up close to me. I feel my breath catch in my throats as I smell the peppermint mixed with orange smell-it sounds strange and maybe a little girly, but it's come to be one of my favorite smells strangely, and on him it wasn't one bit girly-"maybe to girls like Cassandra" I mumble the words before I can stop myself.

I feel myself blush as Jake smirks down at me. He grabs me around the waist and pulls me up against him "awe, is someone jealous?" He asks and I roll my eyes, playing it cool on the outside even though on the inside me heart is pounding wildly against me chest. "No I'm not jealous, I have a boyfriend remember? I just think if you guys are going to make out so much, you should go someplace private so nobody has to watch" I say.

Annoyingly, Jake's smirk never leaves his face, it's like he can see right through me. "Nobody has to watch" he says "you know what I mean" I growl with a roll of my eyes.

He pulls me even closer to him until I'm pressed up against him "would you rather they were watching us make out?" He asks. As I stare into his gorgeous aqua blue eyes with those small silver flecks, I almost say yes. But then I remember Brandon, and suddenly feel guilty for even thinking about doing that.

I shove Jake off of me and walk back a few steps to give us some distance "Jake-I-maybe this isn't a good Idea" I say and Jake laughs "calm down Princess, I was joking, I wasn't going to kiss you, even if you got down on your knees and begged" he assures.

At first I feel relief but then for some unexplainable annoying reason I feel hurt a little. "Right" I mumble sarcastically "you're sleeping on the floor" I tell him before walking into the bathroom where I brush my teeth.

When I step out, Jake is laid out on my hard wood floor, I actually feel kind of guilty. I wanted him over, even if he's the one that asked, and yet I'm making him sleep on the hard, uncomfortable floor. I shake the feeling and get into my bed, pulling the covers over me. I look down to see that Jake is once again wearing the sweats I gave him. "Night" I say before turning the lamp next to my bed off.

As I lay here in the complete dark, I feel like I'm all alone, I can't see a single thing, and I can't even hear Jake breathing. I feel chills cover my arms and legs.

I bite down on my lip and tell myself I'm being silly, but that doesn't do anything. Finally I can't take this creeped out feeling so I whisper "Jake?" My voice comes out shaky. "Yeah?" He whispers back. I bite my lip again, was I really going to do this? How do you even ask? But when I feel another shiver run down my back I don't even care, I just ask "can you come sleep up here?" I whisper as I feel my cheeks blush deeply.

A few seconds later, Jake is climbing into my bed, I scoot over to give him room. As he climbs in, I feel his bare leg rub up against mine for a second. "What happened to the sweats you were wearing?" I ask alarmed "I took them off when you turned the lights off. I can't sleep with pants on" he whispers back. "S-so you're naked?" I stutter. "I have underwear on" he whispers back and I can actually hear the smirk in his voice.

His orangey peppermint scent is all I can smell, I can feel myself actually relax against the smell. I turn to my side to face him so I can better smell his scent.

"Jake?" I whisper. "Yeah?" Jake whispers back and I feel his breath brush over my face, I realize how much closer he is than I first thought. I feel a shiver run down my back, but this time now because of fear. "Thanks" I whisper.

I don't even hear or feel Jake move closer, but suddenly his lips are pressed up against my forehead "no problem princess" he whispers. I feel a small smile tug at my lips. When his lips leave my forehead I feel a slight buzzing there, it's not a bad kind of buzzing, it feels strangely nice actually. I close my eyes and finally, I fall asleep.


Okay guys, yes this is a filler and yes it is really short, but this time it's for a reason. The next chapter I'll be posting, a lot of stuff that is actually part of the story as in not filler, is gonna happen. I randomly got a whole lot of ideas, and I can't wait to finish it up and post it, but I won't be posting it today, I feel like I've already done a lot of updates and don't want to over do it. Anyways enjoy! The next chapter won't be a filler I promise!

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Blue Eyes (A Paranormal Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora