Chapter 69

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🔸Adelram's POV🔸

Kamaria had woken up two more times through out the night, only to be convinced that I was Slyder again.

I wake up in the morning, thankful to find Kamaria sound asleep, at least she got some rest. I carefully pick her hand up from where it was laying across my chest, and ease out of bed as quietly as possible.

As I'm making my way downstairs, I practice what I'll say to Brenda. What I'm about to ask is a huge decision, one that nowhere near easy to make. I don't know what her reaction will be, and I really have no idea what to expect, but it's a conversation we need to have.

I go downstairs to find Brenda making breakfast.

I clear my throat to grab her attention, she jumps a little from the noise and looks behind her to find me.

Beneath her eyes are deep, dark circles, her hair was a tangled mess, and she wore a permanent frown. It was obvious she had gotten little to no sleep in a long time, it didn't take a genius to figure out why.

"Oh, hello Adelram, you startled me" she admits, stifling back a yawn.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Do you need some help?" I ask, gesturing to the pancakes she's currently burning.

"That'd be great. Can you make these? I need to go use the bathroom" she requests, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah sure" I reply.

As I'm making the food, it takes up to fifteen minutes but Brenda never shows back up. I guess she needed to stink up the bathroom.

Once I'm done, I leave to find Brenda so that I can let her know that the pancakes are finished.

After a moment of searching, I find her splayed out on the floor in front of the bathroom. A loud snore erupts from her.

I decide not to wake her sense she clearly needs the sleep, and as gently and calmly as I can, I lift her up bridal style and lay her out in her bed, pulling the covers up over her. Then I make my way to the kitchen where I stick the pancakes into a Ziploc bag.

I gently shut the front door behind me. I guess the talk will have to wait until later.


Hours later, after talking some more with the ESPP and visiting my family while I was there, I make my way back to Kamaria's house. My heart is beating so hard and so fast as I stand on the front porch, ringing the doorbell. A little while later, the door opens, "come in" Brenda says yawning.

Guess that nap earlier wasn't enough, of course, she probably didn't get much sleep because my guess is, Kamaria woke up from yet another nightmare.

I step inside and look up to the stairs. "Is Kamaria up?" I ask. "Abigail took her over to her house, she's trying to lift her spirits for the hundredth time this month, though I'm doubtful that it'll work" Brenda informs me. I nod my head. "Um, there's something I need to talk to you about" I say, trying to shake the nerves that have built up inside me.

Brenda looks to me nervously, knowing that those words never add up to something good. She nods her head slowly, still looking at me with a confused expression on her face. "Okay...lets go sit on the couch" she offers, walking into the living room.

Once we've settled in, I take a deep breath. "I'm just going to lay it out there, this is a decision that's not mine, and only partly yours, it's mainly up to Kamaria, but I'm sure she would appreciate your input. I was talking with...some Eribissians, and I found out that there's this girl that has the ability to erase a person's memory. She can go from as recent as a few hours, to as far back as five years. She can't pick and choose what that person remembers in that amount of time though. Like say she erased somebody's memory from three months back, that whole five months will be gone from that person's memory for good, but she can add in some false, vague memories. She offered to erase Kamaria's memory of everything that has happened in the past three months." I explain, waiting nervously for Brenda's reaction.

At first, Brenda just sits there, her eyes wide, and her mouth hanging open. She doesn't even blink or breath, as though she's in complete shock. After a moment, she shakes out of it and let's out a long, deep breath. "Wow" is all she says.

I wait for her to say more, but she never does, so I say " uh, what..what do you think?"

Brenda let's out another long, deep sigh. "Well. I mean, Kamaria has woken up from nightmare after nightmare every single night. She can't be in a room alone, and even when she is with somebody, she completely paranoid and terrified. Even going to the bathroom, she leaves the door open a crack just in case she needs to call for help. She's completely terrified of the window, won't go near it unless someone is standing right next to her. She won't leave the house for anything except to go over to Abigail's, and she's clearly depressed. Because of everything that has happened, she can't have a normal life. She's paranoid, jumpy, scared, and just a complete nervous wreck. I can't even remember the bubbly, sweet, worry free girl she used to be. She won't even go to school. She missed prom, missed too many days of school to make up before the end of the year, and she's not okay. She's living this horrible, cautious life that she never deserved to live. I hate the thought of her missing a chunk of her memory, of not remembering her full life, but when it's only going to torture her, possibly for the rest of her life, then I really think this memory loss would definitely be a good thing for her." Brenda concludes dreadfully.

I nod my head. That's what I was thinking, the main thing that kept me from doing it was the fact that she wouldn't remember me, but that's a selfish thing to think.

"I one hundred percent agree...but you do realize that, if we do go through with this, we're also going to have to erase your memory, so that you don't accidentally think something that Kamaria reads from your mind" I explain, hoping she still agrees.

Brenda nods her head sadly "I understand. I don't think I'd really like to remember everything that has happened anyways. But like you said, the decision is really up to Kamaria. We'll have to get Abigail to agree to erase her memory too. You do understand that if we do go through with this, she's not going to remember you, right?" Brenda questions.

Now it was my turn to nod my head sadly. "Yes, Ma'am" I say, feeling the sorrow that always comes with this thought.

Brenda droops her head sullenly. "I hate this" she whispers. But she's only like that for a moment, before lifting her head once again. "You know what? It doesn't matter. What happened, has happened, and there's nothing we can do about it. Sitting around here crestfallen about it, won't do anybody any good. We just need to move forward. Either we erase her memory or not, what happens will happen. Enough of this self pitying crap. I don't want it anymore." Brenda preaches, standing up defiantly. "Now go over to Abigail's and ask Kamaria what she thinks, because there's no way in hell I'm sitting around here going over her possible answer over and over again."

I nodded my head, unsure of what to say, but I'm not going to lie, I felt a bit better after that small motivational speech.

"Thank you for understanding, Brenda" I thanked, offering a small smile. She reciprocated the smile "no problem, dear" and with that, I set off to Abigail's.


Countdown to the ending: 2 chapters and the epilogue.

What do you guys think Kamaria's reaction will be? Do you think she'll agree to it? What about Abigail? Do you think she'll say yes?

Tell me your thoughts and expectations, looking forward to reading the comments!

I'm off to bed now because I am mother fudging sleepy!! Goodnight!! 😘😘

Please comment, read, vote, and promote!!!

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