Chapter 20

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I sat in bed rewinding that moment in Jake's bedroom this morning. I can't get over how he simply kissed my nose and all of the swelling, bruises, and pain was gone. Gone. Just like that. I somehow got over the fact that it seemed like he knew that I could read minds, I got over the fact that I couldn't read his mind, I got over the fact that he was talking about some weirdo named Slyder, I even got over the fact that he somehow made me appear in my bedroom the other night, but this? This actually happened right in front of me while my eyes were open, I felt the tingling, I saw that it went from hideously purple black and swollen to completely back to normal, I know for a fact that something seriously insanely weird is going on, I just have no idea what exactly.

So here I sit staring off into space trying to come up with any reasonable reason as to how that whole nose thing happened. But even after forty five minutes I still can't come up with anything.

I finally decide I need to clear my head so I do the one thing that has always made me forget about all of my troubles and worries, I dance. I turn on a random song from my playlist, and "Fighter-Jamie Grace" starts playing, I don't think about the moves before I do them, I just start dancing, I let my body move with the music, I spin, kick, jump, swing, swerve, and just like that I'm not worrying about anything. All I think about is my body moving to the music. By the end of the song I'm sweaty but barely panting because even though I moved powerfully and all around my room, I'm used to putting my whole body into the dance, dancing doesn't make my side ache or make me out of breath anymore, because I've been doing this since almost forever.

Suddenly I hear clapping, it starts off slow and slowly gets faster, I turn to where the sound is coming from to see Jake clapping at me looking through his open window. I jerk back at the sight which only makes Jake smirk. I walk over to my window and open it "were you watching me?" I ask.

"I was, and I gotta say, you've got moves Princess" he compliments, winking at me. My cheeks instantly blush first from the compliment and then because he was watching me. "Well, glad I could be your entertainment" I answer dryly.

"Yeah but I can think of some better ways that you could entertain me" Jake hints, I know he was only saying it to make me blush, but sadly it worked.

"You wish" I quip "wishes come true" he counters "well trust me, this one won't" I cross my arms as I assure this. A slow half smirk curves up one side of his lips "we'll see" before I can say something back, he closes his window and shuts the blinds. A few minutes later I see the lights flicker off.

I huff out a breath. I start closing my window, when in the reflection of the glass I see red mask guy, or Slyder I guess. I feel my heart quicken and I spin around but there's nobody there. I look back over at the window to see that the masked guy is gone. I yank the window down and pull the shades.

I feel goosebumps spike all over my arms and slowly make a full turn  but there's nobody in here but me. My heart is still beating erratically as I quietly tip toe into my bathroom. I don't know why I'm being quiet, but for some reason I feel the need to be. Like as if I make too much noise the guy will come back. I check behind the shower curtain and then behind the door, nobody.

I feel my heart slow back down a little and my breathing goes almost back to normal. Leaning down, I grab my toothbrush out of my drawer, when I straighten back up, in my mirror I see Slyder behind me standing completing still. Without a second of hesitation I spin around but yet again, there's nobody there. I drop my toothbrush onto the counter and run to my bed, immediately getting all the way under my covers until only my eyes are peeping out. I had left both the bathroom and my bedroom light on.

I lay there, my eyes darting around the room for what feels like forever. After at least twenty minutes, I finally get the nerve up to turn off both lights, as soon as my light's off and I'm left in complete darkness, I make a run for my bed at full speed, once again immediately slipping under the covers until only my eyes are out.

I stay laying there completely frozen, making sure my breathing is practically silent, until my heart surprisingly starts to slow down back to a normal rate. I start to feel my eyes droop and my breathing become slow, I'm almost to sleep when I suddenly hear breathing.

My eyes shoot open and I hold my breath as I listen. I can definitely hear it now, it's slow, calm breaths in and out. I reach my arm out and slowly pull my lamp light on, I look over to my left to see Slyder laying beside me, staring directly at me. A loud piercing scream comes out my mouth but is immediately muffled by his hand.

I jerk up and try to get away but the hand pushes me down until I'm laying flat on my back. I keep screaming, eyes wide as Slyder slowly sits up and leans over me, staring intensely at my eyes. I can see his eyes but not well enough to see the color, but even still I can see the pure hatred in them.

I bite down as hard as I can on his hand. He jerks away and looks down to see a little bit of blood trickling down. I take this moment of distraction and kick upwards as hard as I can, I hear the crunch as my knee comes in contact with Sylder's crotch.

His hands grab his hurt crotch and I jump up and make a run for the door, my hand grasps the doorknob just as arms wrap around me and throw me to the floor. A booted foot lifts up and kicks my side with full force. I scream out as loud as I can hoping that somebody, anybody hears, but I only scream for a moment before a powerful hand smacks me across the face, silencing me out of surprise.

I try to stand back up but Syder smashes his foot down on my chest, an explosion of pain erupts and I feel like I can't breathe. I start to black out from the pain of his stomp, everything is getting faded and blurry. In slow motion I see my bedroom door open and Jake run in, falling down on his knees next to me.

I look over to where Slyder was, but no one is there. The last thing I hear is Jake's voice "princess? Princess" it sounds like the voice is coming from a deep tunnel. Slowly my eyes close and I'm surrounded by darkness.


I know I'm updating at random times and 2-3 times a week, but I'm bored and feel like writing so oh well!

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