Chapter 33

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Guardian Angel-Leah West

That was me screaming my head off into my pillow. Why? More like why not. Everything is going wrong, everything. And all of it is Jake's fault. What's going wrong? If you're seriously stupid enough to ask that question, then you have not been paying attention to me blab at all. It okay, I understand. But still, I'll give you the never ending list:
One, tomorrow I'm getting hooked to a lie detecter test and Slyder will be asking me questions, two, (do I even need a second one?) I have a Slyder living next door!, three, Jake is Slyder, four, Abigail is dating Slyder, five, Slyder erased Abigail's memory, six, Slyder's going to torture and kill me, seven, SLYDER IS GOING TO TORTURE AND THEN KILL ME! Notice something about all of those things going wrong? Slyder/Jake is involved, in every single one of the problems, as a matter of fact is the problem in every single one of them. Jake has made my life a living hell ever since he moved here. At first he was just seriously annoying and kind of mean, but now, now he's full on psychotic. He's ruined my life and soon he's going to end it.

My mom walks in with a concerned look on her face "honey, what's wrong? I heard muffled screams" she says her voice oozing with worry. I sit up as Mom sits down on my bed. I don't even say anything, I just give her a hug. She opens her arms and wraps them around me. Mom gives the best hugs ever. They're so warm, and comforting and just perfect. I smile as I squeeze her tighter. I haven't had this sick feeling go away all week. This heavy weight on my shoulder, sick feeling in my stomach, and reeling mind, has been with me ever since I went on that website, but now, as I'm hugging Mom, everything feels like it might be sorta okay. I pull away after like sixty billions years. Mom smiles at me. "Honey, I don't have work for the rest of the day. What do you say we make homemade chocolate chip cookies and hot cocoa and talk about what's going on?" She asks a wide smile spreads on my face. How could I say no to cookies and cocoa? "I knew you were my favorite Mom" I say and she laughs and gives me a kiss on the cheek then we stand up and go into the kitchen where we pull out the ingredients.

As we're baking the chocolate chip cookies, I turn on Eminem and we both start rapping and dancing. My mom cannot dance for the life of her-she even somehow obliterates the cabbage patch-but that girl can rap, and she knows every single word of Eminem. After Sing for the moment is over, our favorite song of all time plays. Lose it. Me and Mom start singing the goofy lyrics at the top of our lungs. Mom grabs my hands and pulls me in and out, then when he says "ah-ah-ah-ah-ah" she spins me around over and over. By the end of the song we're both laughing. The next song is less dance along to-so we get back to baking the cookies. I swear by the time we're finished I've eaten half the batch of cookie dough raw. I start forming the cookies with a scoop as Mom makes the hot chocolate. Mom is like the best cookie and hot chocolate maker. I'm serious. She's always been really amazing at cooking, but her cookies and hot chocolate is like heaven on earth, they're my favorite things that she makes.

Me and mom are so much alike, it's kind of freaky. We both love Eminem, we both love reading, we both are stubborn as hell, we both hate bananas, we both don't give a crap about what others think, there's so much more, but if I named all the things that make me and mom alike, I'd be listing for the rest of my life. My point is, you can definitely tell I take after my mom.

As the cookies are in the oven and the hot chocolate is getting warm on the stove, I feel my eyes start to water. Mom. I hadn't even thought about it, but when I'm dead, when Slyder kills me, what's going to happen to Mom? What is she going to do after I'm brutally murdered and there's no one for her to go home to, no one to bake cookies with, no one to binge watch movies with on the sixteenth of every month, what will Mom do? "Oh honey, no, it's okay, don't cry" Mom says running up and hugging me. I lean on her shoulders and can't stop the tears that fall out my eyes. Mom says "it's okay" over and over agin as she smooths my hair down and rubs my back.

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