Chapter 34

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Today. Today I have to use a stupid lie detecter test and Jake/SLYDER gets to ask me ten questions! The only reason I'm not completely freaking out is because Mr Ampler said Jake showed him his questions and they were lame and impersonal. Even still my groan increases in volume as I imagine being alone with him as he asks me questions about me and my life. That website said that he tries to know as much about you as he can before torturing and murdering you, is he going to learn everything he can from this lie detecter test and then torture me? I get the shivers just thinking about it.

There's a knock on my bedroom door. I take a deep breath readying myself to be hooked to a lie detecter test, I feel like I'm going to throw up. The knock comes again louder, suddenly the door opens and I look up to see Abigail come striding in giggling "what's up with you?" I ask she gives me a large smile, "oh nothing, it's just Jake, he gave me like the hottest kiss earlier" she says fanning herself. I feel a bajillion pound rock rest itself at the pit of my stomach but I force a smile "I can imagine" I spit out, the words taste like copper in my mouth.

"Too bad imagining is nothing like it actually happening" Abigail sighs falling backwards on my bed with a happy sigh.  I roll my eyes "could you not be so lovey dovey with him? I really don't want to know the sickening details" I say gagging. Abigail sits up on her two elbows "but you have to listen, that's like the number one rule of best friendship" she says mater of factly.

I groan "fine, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about this" Abigail falls back on her back smiling "well I'm more than happy about it" she says. I can't stop my eyes from rolling "yeah, that's nice. So how about instead of sitting around talking about him, we go out and watch a movie or something?" I ask, Abigail's up and halfway out the door before I even finish my sentence. I'll take that as a yes. Procrastinating as best as I can, I get dressed and head out the door to push my homework (aka lie detecter test) to a later time in the day.


"Did I seriously just waist two hours of my life watching a movie about space?" Abigail says skeptically as we walk out of "The Space Between Us" I shrug "I thought it was a good movie, very cute" I say "it was pointless!" Abigail exclaims. I open my mouth to retort something back when I'm interrupted "Bethany Babe!" I look up to see Brandon waving at me. I wave back and walk up to him "hey Brandon" I say and stand on my tip toes to kiss him. "What're you doing here?" I ask grabbing the blue slushy from his hand and drinking some. His lips are colored bright blue which I find adorable, I stand high again giving his cold lips a kiss. He smiles down at me "I was out shopping for some news shoes when I saw you two walk out" he says. "Oh hey Brandon!" Abigail exclaims enthusiastically. Taken aback slightly by her overly excited demeanor, I use my bff facial expression language to ask her what's up, she uses it back and says she'll explain later. I mentally shrug "well I'll see you later" I tell Brandon and his grip on my side tightens a little "forgetting you have a boyfriend?" He asks jokingly. I laugh "shuddup" I say as I playfully give him a push. A unreadable look flashes on his face but then he's back to smiling "see you tomorrow babe" he says and kisses me. He's coming over to my house tomorrow, right. I almost forgot, okay not almost, it completely left my mind and if he hadn't reminded me I would have been totally unprepared.

Abigail waves merrily at Brandon as we walk out of there. I look down at my hand to see I'm still holding his slush "oh I forgot his drink, I gotta go give it back" I tell Abigail "seriously it's a dollar seventy nine, you're his girlfriend, I think you're fine" I open my mouth to argue but shrug, it really isn't a big deal. "So what's got you so excited?" I question. "Brandon is just so...popular and cool, I don't really know how to act around him to be honest" She admits.

I look over at Abigail, surprised. She's never been one to be shy or weird around popular people, I mean, she is one of the most popular person in school. "Seriously? Since when?" I ask, kind of shocked. Abigail shrugs, "I don't know, always?" She says, grabbing the slush from my hand and sucking up a good portion of it.

"Well you know who makes me nervous? But for totally different reasons?" I ask, answering before she can "Jake" I state. Abigail rolls her eyes "Ugh whatever, Jake is really hot, he drives a motorcycle, he's strong, and funny, like seriously, what's not to like?" She asks I roll my eyes "you're impossible"


After spending almost the entire day with Abigail-painting each other's nails, watching movies, talking about random junk, going out to eat- there's nothing left to procrastinate and I guess that's just as well considering it's now nine at night. Abigail leaves to go home, and I'm left to do the one thing I don't want to. I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself, than I walk out the door and over to Jake's house. I knock on the door, six seconds later and he still hasn't answered, I feel my shoulders relax and a breath I didn't know I was holding exhale as I turn around and start making my way back to my house, too bad I only get two step before the door opens "Princess, it's about time" Jake's says, I can hear the excitement in his voice. A shiver runs down my spine,
Here goes everything.


Ensue suspenseful music. It's time! For the...LIE DETECTER TEST!

Too bad you'll have to wait allllllll the way until next Wednesday to read about it! Muahahahahaha.

Just kidding. I'll be updating it soon, so keep yours eyes open YES EVEN WHEN YOUR SLEEPING! NO BLINKS, YOU UNDERSTAND?!

Alright enjoy

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