Chapter 29

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The picture above has nothing to do with this chapter I just think it's cool looking.

I wake up the next morning with my head buzzing. I had been up most of the night trying to figure all of this out. None of it made sense. It's not fair, on the crime shows and on the mystery books all of the pieces fit together perfectly if you really think about it, why doesn't this? Stupid life, it's time to be more like a book.

I get out of bed grumbling, feeling like I'm having a hangover, not that I ever have, I've never had a sip of alcohol in my life, but this is how I imagine it feels...oh well I guess I have at that party, when Mathew handed me that cup. Dang, a guilty feeling washes over me as I remember. I shake off the feeling and continue getting up. I can't believe I have to go to school now. I feel sick and dizzy and light headed, maybe I could stay home, but then I can't further investigate and at this rate I can't just stay home and sit around with all of this junk on my mind. So I get in the shower and let the cold water run down me, it actually feels pretty amazing. When I get out I'm so not in the mood to dress up so I pull on a Never Shout Never sweatshirt over my head, a pair of dark skinny jeans, and high top converse, then I grab my keys and head outside.

As I'm about to get in my car I hear a door shut and look up to see Jake walking to his motorcycle. My blood starts boiling and my adrenaline rushes through my body. I feel an intense urge to stomp over there and demand an explanation, but two things stomp me. One, now that I know he's Slyder, I need to be more careful, If he knew I know, he'd probably kill me on the spot. And two, I need to be secretive, if I want to further investigate, I can't let Jake know that I'm suspicious. So I use every ounce of my self control and force myself into the car, start the engine and pull out of the driveway, driving myself to school.

As I'm driving to school my mind goes over everything I know. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense that Jake is Slyder. I mean first all of the stuff I said last night, plus he's always there when I encounter Slyder. Like at my house, that night I passed out, Slyder was there beating me up one second, and the next Slyder is gone and Jake is there instead. And just yesterday at my dance practice, in the locker rooms Slyder (or at least I assume that person that was in there was Slyder) was in there scaring me and then all of a sudden, Jake just happened to be there. No, I'm sure of it, Jake has to be Slyder.

I pull into the school parking lot and get out. Oh crap I forgot about Abigail! I'm about to get back in my car, when Slyder-A.K.A Blue Eyes A.K.A Jake-(gosh I have way too many nicknames for this guy, or shapeshifter thingy) Pulls into the school parking lot. But something's different today, there's a petite figure riding on the back of his motorcycle. I watch curiously as Jake pulls off his helmet, then reaches behind him and pulls the helmet off the petite figure behind him, to reveal Abigail smiling up at him. She combs a hand through her hair in a sexy, casual way, then grabs Jake's offering hand and jumps off the bike. Practically the whole school is watching as Abigail takes a step closer to Jake and presses her body up against his, leaning her head closer and whispering something in his ear. Jake and her laugh, neither of them paying attention to the audience around them. Abigail blows him a kiss and then strides away, swaying her butt purposefully. I can't help the ping I feel in my stomach at them two flirting.

Abigail's in flirt mode, I've seen her do it many times. It's part of her get a guy routine. First she casually flirts and presses up against the guy, then she randomly kisses him, then she ignores him for four days as he tries to talk to her, then she walks up to him and simply says "hey (guy's name)" and bites her lip seductively before swaying off, that somehow gets them every time. They end up running to catch up with her and asking her out. Which she accepts. And bam! There you have the Abigail boy plan/trick.

So she was on the first step of catching Jake. Jake as in Slyder. Slyder as in a powerful shape shifter that's currently planning to torture and then kill me. What am I going to do?

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