Chapter 1

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Mira's POV

I miss Josh so much. I miss all the nights spent with him. I miss all the picnics, the movie nights, the romantic getaways, everything. I want to see him again. It's been a year, and there has been no news of him. He did leave me a note saying; "I'm undercover. Don't follow me."

Why not? We've done everything together! I can't help but feel mad. And sad. A flurry of emotion washes over me. Am I mad? Am I sad? "Mira, you ok?"

Pyra looks at me with a worried look. "Yes, Pyra. I'm ok."

I really wasn't. I need to figure all this out. The bus halts to a stop, and the attendant speaks over the com. "Attention passengers. This is King's Place stop. Next stop, the London Zoo."

Pyra and I were looking for Josh. I need answers. And we need Mitch and Jason to do it. No, they don't live at King's Place, but they have a shop on the same street. Their shop, M&J Arms, was very successful with the new era, the Era of Blades. Guns were replaced by swords as soon as The Battle of Gods was over and the Kingsglaive shattered. Maybe that's where Josh is going, and if there are two people that understand swords the best, it's Jason and Mitch. I push open the door to the shop and I'm greeted by a little bell. Mitch speaks. "Welcome to M&J Bla- Mira! It's been years! Pyra, you too? Wow! Lemme get J!"

I smile. I love these guys. Full of energy and enthusiasm. I noticed that Mitch had grown a beard in the past years. I forgot that we're all 18 now. Man, how the years go by. Jason comes thumping down the stairs with Mitch at his side. Jason comes toward me with open arms. "Mira! Love! Look how well you've aged! Not a day older!"

"Thank you, Jason."

"And Pyra! Lovely as ever, I see!"

Pyra blushes. "Oh you..."

Pyra hugs Jason and kisses his cheek. Jason looks to me. "Where's Josh?"

"About that..."

"Did he get himself killed? God damnit..."

"No! No. He's...gone undercover with Raven. We think he's after the Kingsglaive."

Jason awes. "What a mighty fine sword...why would he go after such a blade?"

"We don't know, but we would hope that you could try and shed some light on the situation."

He strokes his goatee. "Follow me."

He leads us into the back room and lays out a blueprint. A blueprint for the Kingsglaive. I noticed that along the way, these guys had everything related to swords. Pathos requires energy, so they have multiple packages of refill cartridges. I also found a lot of gun scattered about. Guns, by law, were now illegal without permission from the government. Even so, swords have become the new destructive tool to use. Almost everyone has one. After our fight with Viktoria, people realized that now, we are in an age of new tech. They also tried putting Pathos in a gun. Let's just say, the facility that experiment took place doesn't exist anymore. My trail of thought was cut off by Jason. "So, if Josh is after the Kingsglaive, he would be after the people who have 3 of the six pieces, the faction called the King's Men. They sought to reclaim the Kingsglaive, and use it to restore peace. They've collected the Handle, the Blade, and the Pommel, all the pieces needed to make the sword useable, but not full. It will grant the user only one piece of the Aurora Armour, and all the base stats."

Jason knew his stuff, but I had one question. "What if Josh already got the pieces?"

Mitch butted in. "The he would be after the Hilt."

That's it. We'll cut Josh off at the location of the Hilt. Wait. Where's the Hilt?

"Jason, where's the Hilt?"

"It's rumored to be in the hands of Coryphaeus' daughter, Audrey. She lives in Ottawa, so we're going back to Canada if you want to cut Josh off."

"Buy your plane tickets, boys. We're going to the Capital of Canada."

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