Chapter 2

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My playlist has gotten me through a lot of the past year. It consists of a lot of Linkin Park, Avenged Sevenfold, and Sum 41. Josh tampered with it, so there's a lot of Fall Out Boy and Imagine Dragons in there, but I didn't mind. We liked a lot of the same artists. We liked a lot of the same things, and we disagreed with very little. That's why I loved him so much. We didn't argue much. Trust me, we still argue, but it could be far worse. Even so, the arguments are kinda funny. We argued about who was better at making pancakes. PANCAKES! Of all things...but that was one of our many stupid, pointless arguments. And now I can't help but miss it. Movement on my shoulder snapped me out of my Playlist Coma. Pyra was fast asleep on my shoulder. Having Pyra with you is like having a kid with you all the time, no matter how old she gets. My ears pop as we descend. The pilot speaks over the com. "Welcome to the capital of our great country! Enjoy your stay."

As we get off the plane, the smell of my favourite food hits me like a truck. Cinnamon buns. I'm happy to be home. Me and Josh lived in Toronto until he left. Pyra nudges me. "Can we get Cinnamon buns? I'm sooo hungry!"

"Yes, we can get cinnamon buns. Jason, Mitch, you hungry?"

"We're fine, love."

Jason responded. When I purchased the food, I couldn't help but hear a familiar voice. "2, please."

It sounded like...Josh. No, he couldn't be. I looked to the hooded figure. It sounded so much like him, but he had a close-shaved beard. Josh hated facial hair. I think. He payed the clerk and walked off to a girl dressed similarly. Hooded, and wore black jeans. The girl had a stripe of light purple in her black hair. Kinda like, she's too tall. The similarities between those two, Josh, and Raven, were scary. I walked back and we ate our cinnamon buns peacefully.


As we scoped out Audrey's place, my thoughts were correct. The cold here affected my augmentation. It wasn't freaking out, but my HUD was warning me not to lick it. Stupid HUD. I knocked on the door. Audrey answered. "Yes, I'm the daughter of Coryphaeus. Leave me alone."

She tried to slam the door, but I slid my metal hand in. It chipped the door, and she opened it slowly. "What's with the people with augmented limbs today?"

"Did someone stop by with one?"


Audrey was obviously not interested. I was over the freaking moon. "Was he 6"0, with a jet-black arm? And had a deep, romantic tone!?"

She looked taken aghast. "...yes..."

"Sorry! Mira Vandalski, JTF2, CSOR, and CIA. Can I ask you some questions about this man?"

She ushered me in. "Why are you here?"

"I'm after the person you saw. Did he specify his name?"

She thought for a moment. "Jacob? Jason?"


I interrupted her thinking. "Yeah. That's it."

I was screaming on the inside. He was here. Audrey looked over to a display case, which was empty. "He came here looking for the Kingsglaive hilt. I don't know why, but he already had the 3 parts that the King's Men had, so I assumed he was King's Men."

I was right. He already has the three. Now four. "Audrey, could you point me in his direction?"

"He said to not tell that to anyone who came by."

He also knows we're following him. Great. "Audrey, it's quintessential. I need hi- to see him."

She sighed. "Who are you to him?"

"His girlfriend."

"Where he's going, he doesn't need a liability-"

I extended my blade to the point where it was an inch from her neck. "I am not an liability."

She gulped. "...sorry..."

I realized what I was doing. I withdrew my blade. "I' sorry! It's just..."

"He means a lot to you. I can tell by your eyes."


"You're crying."

I felt a tear fall down my face. I wipe it away quick. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry. I was much like you when my father died."

"What does that mean?"

"I had a lot of emotions going on at the time. Was I sad, was I mad, I couldn't figure it out."

I stayed silent, waiting for her to finish. She didn't continue. Instead, I ended up speaking. "Was he with anyone?"

"Two representatives from the G;L"

No. Is that why he's undercover? To shut down the G;L? Maybe that's why he doesn't want anyone following him. They're basically a government. A terrible government that has very questionable motives. Their "Leader" Jameson Stoll, is an evil man. Terrible man. Killed Audrey's father. Assholes. "Why were they here?"

"For the hilt."

"Is Josh working with the G;L?"

"He was wearing a G;L representative jacket. But he was not like them. Josh knocked, while they usually would have burst in. He's...sweet. I hope you don't mind me saying that."

"I don't mind. That's why I like him. Under that tough exterior, there's a sweet interior."

Audrey is a cool girl. Too bad she had to go through the drama that was her dad's death. Poor girl. "Mira, I want to know. Why do you hunt him down? Why not just wait?"

"Audrey, believe me, I've done my fair share of waiting. I miss him, and even if I get one tiny explanation of why he left, that will be enough for me."

I just wish I could be in his arms again. Those warm cuddly days when we would snuggle and watch a movie, or just play some video games. I always kicked his ass in Call of Duty. I miss him. No.

I need him.

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