Chapter 4

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Mira's POV

I need to find him. If he is looking to finish the Kingsglaive, he'll be after The Wings. The Wings go in the blade, and spread Pathos to the rest of the sword. It's basically the power source for the Kingsglaive. It's somewhere near Little Diomede, in the middle of Russia and Whales. The Bearing Sea. It's literally a tiny island with a population of zero. The perfect place to put a tiny artifact. Pyra, Jason, Mitch and I were about to jump out of a plane and onto the island. Not the best idea. "ALRIGHT GUYS, WE JUMP IN 30!!"

Of course, the worst ideas were Jason's ideas. Pyra was probably a tap on the shoulder away from pissing herself. I could tell because she was shaking. "15!!!"

Why am I doing this? "10!"

"Uh, J? I think we should-"



"3, 2, 1!!!!! JUMP LADS!!!"

I picked up Pyra, because she was not moving, and I jumped out of the plane. I immediately regretted it. I let go of Pyra and we fell about 3000 feet before Jason spoke. "WE PULL OUR CHUTES IN...10,000 MORE FEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

10,000!? Aw man why am I here? Josh. I'm here for him. I dove, hoping to speed up the 10,000 feet of nothing between me and the ground. When I was about 5000 feet off the ground, I pulled my parachute. I landed at least 5 minuets before everyone else. It. Was. Freezing. "Mira! Jesus Christ. You ok?"

Jason landed and immediately threw on his coat. "It's a tad chilly."

"Yeah, a little."

Pyra landed with difficulty and tumbled to the ground. "Never. Again."

Mitch just landed blissfully. I spoke. "Ok, we are looking for a-"

"Giant airship?"

"No, The Wings."

"No, look."

As soon as Pyra told me to, a shadow loomed over the island. I massive airship covered the sky. It hovered in place, and a tiny cable came down with two guards. They approached us with polearms, but they looked like... "Mira Vadalinski?"

One of the soldiers came out a started scribbling on a note pad. "Yes?"

"You need to come with us. All the rest of you, stay here."

Pyra was outraged. "Absolutely not!"

"Ma'am, we're sorry, but we only need Miss Vadalinski."

They were G:L. "Why do you need me? I want nothing to do with you."

"Even if it involves Mr. Quigley?"

Josh!? "Guys, please. I'll go. I'll be back in soon."

They nod, and I went up the wire. What will I say? What will I do? "Miss Vadalinski, Lieutenant Joshua Quigley has summoned you to his chambers aboard this ship, the ALPHAHAWK. Welcome aboard."

As the soldier finishes his sentence, I glance up and see the hanger. The hanger was massive, holding two smaller ships, but they we the size of battleships. The hanger faded away into pipes and metal, and I was greeted by a long hallway. At the end of the hall were 5 rooms. The soldier spoke. "First one on the left. You have 30 minuets."

The elevator disappeared behind me and I was left in the hallway. I knocked on the door. "Come in!"

An unfamiliar voice ushered me in. I opened the door and saw a girl sitting at a desk. "Hi! You must be Mira! I'm Eva. You must be looking for Josh?"

"What did you do with my boyfriend?"

I was on the edge of snapping at her. "Ooh, he's busy. He'll be back in a sec. Anyway, nice to meet you, and I hope to see you again soon! Maybe at the tournament?"


She gasps. "You don't know? Come down to Jameson's place! It's going to be amazing! JQ and I will be fighting in it!"


"His nickname I gave him. We are teammates after all!"

Teammates? I feel bad for him. Having to work with this clown. The door opens behind and to the left of the desk. I gasp. It's Josh.


"What's up, Josh?"

"Get out."

"Aww, I was having fun!"

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