Chapter 7

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Mira's POV

I've been looking through files for the longest time. I've checked everything on Josh, but nothing on his parents. 2 days have passed and I haven't got a clue where to start. Pyra groaned. "We've been looking for 2 HOURS!"

"Pyra, there's only 7 files left, pull through."

She groaned again and went back to searching. The next file on Josh I picked up had a huge red stamp saying, 'Top secret' and another one saying 'For Director's eyes only'. I opened it anyway. It had his profile picture, which is basically a passport photo with him in military uniform. He looked unusually young, around 11 or 13. I flipped through the pages until I got to emergency contacts and family. Oh, my god. This file had his parents! "Guys! I found it!"

Everyone rushed over to me. I looked at the name of his mother. Jocelyn Quigley... what a beautiful name. And his That can't be right. "His father is Coryphaeus Kesikidas!?"

I looked through it and his father was indeed Coryphaeus. I...that means the third shot DIDN'T kill his dad! Well, Jameson killed his dad...but what happened to the shooter? If Jocelyn already died, the third shot could have been the shooter committing suicide. "There's no way..."

"It says right here that his mother, Jocelyn Quigley, married Coryphaeus Kesikidas, and had...two kids?"

Wait. If Audrey was the daughter of Coryphaeus, that means that Josh and Audrey are...siblings? This is so confusing. Did Josh know this? Does he need or want to know this? I don't know what to do! Actually... "Could you guys look for files on me?"

"Mira, I already found, like 5 files with you on them."

Pyra handed me one of them. The file just said 'Confidential'. I opened it up and some photos of me sprawled onto the floor. They were just a couple passport photos and some pictures of me as a kid. My parents were listed and my birth certificate was photographed. Miralynn Vadalinski. "Your full name is Miralynn?"

Pyra was holding back laughter. "Yes, it is."

I kept scrolling through and found something interesting. I joined when I was 15, but it says I was enlisted since birth. Did...? My parents must have enlisted me as an agent when I was born! "Why does it say: 'Enlisted 2002/01/05'?"

Jason lined the text with his finger. "I was enlisted as soon as I was born...why?"

My parents weren't military. My dad, Ethan Vadalinski, was a lawyer and my mom, Marguerite Vadalinski, was a stay-at-home mom. That was until they were both killed by a drive-by when I was 10. Apparently, to keep our family from going into debt, my parents made deals with some mafias. We didn't pay them back once we were in a sustainable living condition, I guess. "Aww, look at baby Mira!"

Pyra was holding up a picture of me as a child. "Pyra, put those down!"

"Nope! We're keeping this!"

She slid the pictures into her jacket pocket. I sighed. I closed the file and sat down. I pieced together a theory on why I was enlisted at birth. Maybe the mafia already made deals with my parents before I was born to pay for my education and necessities. They must have enlisted me so I could find them...and kill them. If I remember correctly, The Italian Mafia was the one my parents made deals with. We lived in Italy for a while, until I was six. "Hey, Mira, it says here that you lived in Italy for six years. Can you speak Italian?"

Mitch looked at me confused. "Stiamo andando indietro. Ho intenzione di uccidere il capo della mafia italiana"


"We're going to kill the head of the Italian Mafia."

"Why? Everyone knows you don't screw around with them!"



"They killed my parents"

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