Chapter 3

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Josh's POV

Audrey was a sweetheart. So, so nice, even though I looked like the enemy. Our common enemy. I just...felt like I could connect with her. I lost my parents long ago. Jumped around orphanages, but still made it to school. My parents...died when I was 4. Shot and killed by an assassin. My parent weren't gangsters, but they dealt with some shady figures. Then I joined the JTF2. Well, was chosen to join, but I joined none the less. The first chance I got to hunt that guy down, I took it. That was one mission before Brayden was shot. I killed him. From 900 yards away. I got to say, didn't make me feel better. There's still no resolution. Because now that I reflect on my parents' death, the shots weren't fatal. All I remember is my dad screaming "run", and another gunshot. "You know, you really shouldn't dwell on the past that much, Josh."

Raven spoke. She was getting her hair redone after the close encounter with Mira at the airport. Mira would probably yell at me for not shaving. I like this beard. "Maybe he's stuck like that. Sometimes you have to reset the needle when a record starts jamming."

Olivia was trying to be sympathetic. Olivia was one of Jameson's higher ups. She's grown on me, because she's not here for the cause of the G;L. She's here for the paycheck. She tries to limit civilian casualties to the fewest possible, if none. Unlike Eva. Eva slaughters for fun. It''s a nightmare. Speaking of Eva, she's another one of Jameson's lapdogs. Eva fights for Jameson and Jameson only. She thinks that anyone Jameson marks guilty, is guilty, because she thinks Jameson is a good person. But Cortez, another one of Jameson's dogs, isn't a lapdog. He's a Doberman. He will kill an enemy in an instant. He's being kept under a charade by Jameson that the government has been pulling funds from hospitals, where his daughter is being kept. In fury, he joined Jameson. Can't blame him. When I kill Jameson, I'll break the news. If Stoll finds out I tattled, I'll be dead in less than a second. "Cortez, can you grab me a glass of water? I need a breather."

"Sure, man. Anything."

Cortez is a kitten in a John Cena costume. Looks tough, but is super nice. "Aww, baby need some water?"

"Screw off, Eva."

"Baby crying?"

I draw what I have of the Kingsglaive. "You know that it doesn't work, right, ya big retard?"

"I don't need it to work. I can kill you without Pathos."


I cut off her earring. "Watch me."

Her ear explodes with blood. She screams in pain. "YOU- "

Jameson walks into the room. "What is all the fuss? Are you being a brute again, Josh?"

Not the first time Eva and I have crossed blades. "Guilty as charged."

"You're going to let him do that!?"

Eva was in outrage. "I heard the conversation. Eva, stop being a prick."

She looks down. She looks back up at me and mouthed 'sorry'. "And Josh, not a complaint more. One more rumor that you hurt a teammate, and you are in very deep trouble."

"Alright, sir."

"Good. Cortez, keep these two under watch."

"Aye, sir."

Olivia walked over to me after Jameson was out of earshot. "You are one sly fox, you."

"I've done worse."


I show her security footage of my fight with Viktoria. "I stand corrected."

Everyone gathered as they watched my fight unravel in cringe 720 p video. "Who's the girl?"

Eva said in disgust. "The one I'm fighting?"

"The one you're fighting with."

I almost killed her right there. Raven shot me a look. "An...old partner of mine. We went separate paths after the fight."

Why is this so freaking difficult? "Well, now you don't have to deal with that...girl, anymore! You've got us!"

Eva put her arm over my shoulder. Mood swing if I've ever seen one. I 'smiled'. Olivia realized my discomfort and pulled me over to the other side of the room. "Worst excuse ever."

Olivia knew I was undercover. She wanted to help, but she still wanted that paycheck. "Sort everything out at the festival."

Oh, yeah. The festival. The festival was an event Jameson was setting up for people to challenge him for the "throne". I was entering, and I was fighting the other challengers. People who want Jameson's place. I was one of them, but I didn't want his throne. I just want him dead. The festival is in a week, and by then, I need all the pieces of the Kingsglaive. Before Mira gets herself into trouble.

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