Chapter 5

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Josh's POV

Eva pouted her way out of my office. "Have a seat, Mira."

She reluctantly sits down. "Ok, first off, I'm sorry."

"You better freaking be."

"Ok, you are mad."

I sit at my desk. "You know why I'm doing this, right?"

She looked around and saw the microphone in my office. She nodded.

"So then why are you so pissed off?"

"Because I was neither consulted OR involved. I GOT A NOTE. A NOTE!!!"

"I had specific orders to leave you out of this."

"That's not enough, honey."

I sigh. Mira changes her approach. "I just want answers..."

"Ask away. You got 25 minuets."

"You're after the Kingsglaive, right?"

I make the Kingsglaive appear on the desk. "Yes I am."

A guard walked in and passed me The Wings I have been after on this island. I place them on with a confirming click. The blade vibrated as the corresponding aurora armour pieces appeared briefly on my shoulders.

"Did you leave the others a note?"


"Did you sign up for this 'Tournament'?"


"How many innocents have died because of your team?"

"Eva's kill count is well over 125. Cortez and Olivia only have 3-4, and all were from collateral damage."

"And you and Raven?"


"I'd also like to know about your past while I'm here."

"What do you want to know?"

"Your parents. Where are they?"


She jolted back, not expecting my answer. I spoke in a bit more detail. "They were shot because they were both JTF2 and someone ordered them to be killed. There were three shots. First two were to my parents. My mother died after the first, but my father survived the first shot. He told me to run. A third shot sounded and that supposedly killed my father. I spent the next 4 years looking for him. That's why I joined the JTF2. The mission was to kill his gang, the BETAS, and leave no survivors. I checked all the bodies. The killer was never found. I was around 13."

She sighed hard. I could tell she took it heavy. "Josh, what made you join the CIA?"

"The mission after the BETAS mission was codenamed 'Operation Tyrant'. They sent in 5 of us. Agents Brayden Sena-Royale, Kristi Caplet, Tanya Chaffier, Scout Fire, Dom Motorol, and me. We went in against 37 armed terrorists. Only 4 of us walked out. Brayden died. After that our squad was disbanded. I still have contact with all of them, but we don't talk. We all went into lighter jobs. I went into accounting. Then I was asked to join The Youth Division."

I'm not worried about Jameson hearing this because he knows already. I just told him that I left after the 'Viktoria Incident' as people call it. She sighs. "Josh, please. Come. Home."

"Not yet."



She started crying. "Josh, I just want you to come home! I miss you! I need you!"

"You think I don't care about you, right?"

She nodded. "And that I only care about the mission?"

She nodded again. "Mira, I've been going through the same thing. I don't hate you. I...miss you too. I just...need more time. Give me a week. Then I'll come back. You can come to the tournament if you want."

I wipe the tear off her face. "Mira, I didn't stop thinking about you for a year."

I kissed her. After a while, we pulled away, and she hugged me. She started wailing. I comforted her as her mascara stained my white uniform. After she stopped, I handed her a necklace. "Here, have this."

"What is it?"

"It's a necklace. A sort of really late birthday gift."

The necklace read 'wisdom'. I got it for her when I was in Korea. The woman who gave it to me said that I might like it, so I held onto it until I saw her next. I also hid a chip in it that gives me her location, so I know where she is. I help her put it on. "It's...beautiful."

She snuggled into my chest and rested there for a while. The guard came in and spoke. "Ok, sir. Time's up. She has to go."

I looked down at her. "I guess I'll see you later, then."

She grasped onto me harder. "Ma'am, if you don't leave, I'll have to shoot you, and I don't wanna do that."

I knew the guard. Jared Montagne. I went to school with his sister, Ellie Montagne. "Jared, she'll be out in a sec."

He nodded and left. I turned to Mira. "Mira, I need you to promise me something."


"Don't get yourself killed."

The Youth Division : KingsglaiveWhere stories live. Discover now