Chapters 9 & 10

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Mira's POV

Everyone was asleep. I was kept awake only by my thoughts. Why was Josh there? Why did he blow his cover? I had so many questions floating around in my head. He had set down in a small town not too far from the villa. Josh was right asleep on my shoulder. I kissed his head. I've missed him. "You know I'm awake, right?"

I gasped. He put his hand over my mouth before I could make any more noise. "Shhh! They're sleeping!"

I grabbed his hand and took it off my mouth. He sat up and perched himself right next to me. "I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Why were you at the villa? Were you tracking me?"

"No, I...did some research on myself while looking through your files...I found out that the Italian mafia killed my family in a drive by 4 years after I moved from Italy."

"You don't sound Italian."

"My father, Ethan, was American."

"I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? You just found out that your father was alive, you have a sister, Jameson killed your father, and- "

He stopped me. "Even so, I never knew my father well. Audrey...I never knew in the first place. It's surreal, but all that's on my mind is the tournament. I'm hoping to clear most things up there."

I kissed him. "I'll help you."

"Only if I go down. There's no guarantee I'll beat Jameson. I'm still missing a piece."

"I can help with that one."

Eva sat up. She pulled out her necklace. It was a garnet. "Eva, what's that going to do?"

She smiled and took the garnet out of the aluminum fastener. She came closer. "Pull out the Kingsglaive."

Josh materialized the Kingsglaive. She slipped the garnet into the middle of the blade's hilt. The sword came alive with power. With Pathos. I felt a surge of power as the blade illuminated the room. The bright blue aura made me feel more powerful. Josh dematerialized the sword. He broke the silence. "Eva, why did you not tell me sooner?"

"Jameson ordered me to keep it from you. But now I'm out of his trance, so I thought I should give it to you."

He stood up. He looked at his watch, and I got a glance at the time. 6:30 am. "Wake the rest. The tournament starts tomorrow."


Josh's POV, One Day Later

This will be the day we've waited for. This will be the day I kill Jameson once and for all. The stadium was set up right outside of Jameson's complex, and took up a good amount of space. The parking lot was full, and the seats were filled as well. Some people had to stand. Jameson spoke over the speakers. "Welcome to our Tournament! We have multiple competitors, and we're all exited! The opening ceremony has been sadly cancelled for several reasons, but the fights will start soon!"

I snuck past security to the gate. I spoke over my coms. "Raven, put me on speaker. It's go time."

I walked out onto the battlefield. I could see Jameson's smile fade almost immediately.


The crowd turned. "Guess who's back?"

He didn't say anything. "Why did you cancel the opening ceremony? Eva and I are still ready to go!"

He finally spoke. "Let the opening ceremony commence."

The ground beneath me started to shake. I knew what was coming. Fluffy. I heard a mechanized roar, and a huge metallic dragon landed right in front of me. Eva came running out. "Josh, Fluffy is powered by Pathos. It's not going to be easy to take him down."

I materialized another set of swords. I have three swords in my arsenal, the Kingsglaive and the Shadow Blades. The Shadow Blades are dual wieldable black and red hook swords. They are extremely deadly, and, if used correctly, can deal a hell of a lot of damage. I saw Eva materialize her sword, the Excalibur. It looks like a modern reincarnation of the Excalibur from the stories of King Arthur. "Eva, aim for the legs." I targeted Fluffy's legs in my HUD. I saw Eva do the same. "Take out the legs, find the source of the Pathos. Then we kill Jameson." She nodded and we charged, each towards separate legs. I tried to cut through the leg, but all that I left were scratches. I look at Eva through the dragon's legs. She mouthed 'Oh no'. It was then I felt a giant pain on my left side. Fluffy kicked me. I went flying into the coliseum wall. "EVA! FIND THE SOURCE OF PATHOS! THAT'S THE ONLY WAY WE CAN KILL IT!"

She nodded and I charged again. This time I slid under the dragon's body. Nothing but metal. I then got whipped by Fluffy's tail. The speakers played music. You would think that it would be because Jameson wanted this to be epic, but he played the music to throw off Eva and I's communication. Sheppard of fire by Avenged Sevenfold started playing. Of course, a song with a lot of guitar. I jumped over Fluffy's tail the second time and I found it. The source was on the back of Fluffy's head. I looked at Eva, and tapped the back of my head. She nodded, and tried climbing up the back. Fluffy turned and whipped both of us into the wall, I caught Eva before we smashed into the wall. We were toys for this robotic dragon! Then, to make it so much worse, missile launchers came out of it's back. MISSILE LAUNCHERS. It fired two at us, but we were able to get out of the blast radius just in time. It kept firing, and Eva was blocking them. I was running up and dodging them. I slid under Fluffy again and dodged his tail. I climbed up his back, and dodged multiple attacks by Fluffy. I got to the source, and shoved both my blades into the back of it head. It let out a loud roar and collapsed. I landed and high fived Eva. "THAT'S how you kill a dragon!" Eva said. The crowd went wild, and the music was still playing. It changed to a song I didn't know. I walked off into the waiting room with Eva in tail. We sat down on the bench and watched the news reports. "...The G;L festival has begun! We will cover live news on every aspect of the tournament, including the post-celebration!"

"There's a post celebration?"

Eva was already into the snack tray that came by. "You didn't know? The winner gets $1,000,000 for beating Jameson! AND his throne!"

Eva stuffed her mouth with lime & chili pepper peanuts. She loved spicy food. We watched the news further. "...The opening ceremony was a hit! Two presumed dead members of Jameson's personal squad showed up and killed the mechanic dragon, Fluffy!"

I wonder what the next event is? I think if I remember correctly, it's rounds 1, 2, and 3 of the tournament. It's not to the death, but it's to submission. First to surrender is out. Eva, Cortez and I are rounds 4, 5, and 6. Round 7 is the winner of the free for all of the three winners. It's probably going to be Eva v Cortez v me. We decided that they will forfeit and I'll kill Jameson. I heard the loud horn that sounded the first round. I looked at the monitor. 'Nelson Kono and Ellie Montagne'

"Wait, Ellie?!"

I looked at the news. They interviewed the contestants before they went in the coliseum. Ellie spoke through the monitor. "I'm here because of my brother. He died in a raid in Italy. I hope I can raise funding with the $1 000 000."

"Ellie, you retard!!"

I stood up an Eva grabbed my sleeve. "It's only to submission."


She grabbed onto my collar and kissed me. I tried to pull away, but she didn't let me. Mira would be pissed if she saw us. I let it happen. I wouldn't say I kissed back, but I would say I kinda just stood there. She backed away. "Josh, we didn't kill Jared. They were sent on a suicide mission, and there were 18 survivors. Jameson could be lying to Ellie to throw you off. Or if he is dead, Jameson killed him. Everyone on that team was supposed to die, but Jameson didn't tell them that."

I saw the contestants enter the ring. The match had started. "Eva, can you tell Raven to scan the building for a Jared Montagne?"


She pulled out her phone and texted Raven. I watched the rest of the match.

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