Chapter 11

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It was my round. I was facing a guy named Randal Geradon. He used throwing knives laced with Pathos fibres. I walked up to the door only to be greeted by reporters. "Sir! Sir! Are you ready for this fight? How did you survive your death? Who tried to kill you?"

I responded in a casual manner. "I'm pretty for this fight, and me losing is very slim. To answer your question, Jameson tried to kill me. Well, at least his men."

I looked dead at the camera. "Jameson? Yeah, I'm coming for you. You don't mess with me. Or my friends. Wanna know what happened to the last person who did that? Google Viktoria Dertoten."

I walked into the coliseum. Randal was only in khaki shorts with no top. His body was heavily tattooed with dragons. This guy beat another contestant earlier using mind games, so I shut down my mind. "Hey, pretty boy! Wanna dance? Cause a girl won't ask ya!"

"I don't think anyone would ask you to dance regardless of their gender."

The crowed roared. I heard one guy yell "GET ROASTED!"

I sighed and drew my blades. He laughed and charged. I blocked his attack and the fight started.

Mira's POV

They were fierce. I've never seen Josh fight like this. Attack after attack, he just blocked. And when he got an opening, he struck with extreme force. Randal was almost about to collapse, but he spat out some more words. "Hey! You're not going to win, eh?"

Josh respond coldly. "I definitely am, if it's the last thing I do."

Randal laughed. "LIES!"

He threw his knives at Josh. He deflected both the knives with ease. Randal looked up to see that his attack failed. He put his hands up. "I submit."

I cheered, and so did the crowd. Josh was one step closer to killing Jameson! I felt a hand on my shoulder. A man whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "You're Mira Vadalinski, right?"

I recognized the voice...It was the guard that escorted me out of the ALPHAHAWK! James...Jason...Jared! "Jared?"

"Yeah, hey, um...I'm supposed to be dead. I need you to go and get Ellie."

"Why me?"

"She only trusts Josh and me, but Josh can't talk to her, because Josh thinks I'm dead too."


"She'll trust Josh's girlfriend."

"Fine. I'll tell her what?"

"That I'm alive and to forfeit."

I sighed. "Ok."

I stood up from my seat. Josh looked at me and smiled. Jared hid behind me. "Where's Ellie?"

"She's under heavy guard by G;L, in wait room 5."

"Which one is Josh in?"

"Josh and Eva are posted in 1" (10,000-word milestone!!!)


I walked down the stairs to the wait rooms. There were at least 17 gaurds posted at each door. How could I get in?... I saw a guy posted at the door, and he was the only one there. I snuck up to him and started small talk. "Hey, I was wondering where a girl like me could get something to drink?"

The soldier blushed. "Ah-Um..."


I threw him into a corner out of eyeshot and knocked him out. I stripped him and took his outfit. I slid up a baklava over my face and I put my visor down. I walked over to wait room 5, and opened the door. I quickly shut the door behind me and took off my headgear. Ellie stared at me. "Who are you?"

"Josh's girlfriend. Mira Vadalinski."

She blinked a couple times. "Your who?"

"Josh's girlfriend."

She stood up and shook my hand. "I'm Ellie."

"Ellie, I need to tell you something."

I sat her down and she looked at me curiously. "Jared is alive."

She gasped. "Jared?! No, he's...he's dead..."

"Dead people can't convince me to break into rooms."

"I wanna see him."

"I can't do that."


She was pissed off. "Ellie, he's already left, but he want's you to quit the tournament."

"You're lying."

I pulled out the cassette player. She popped it in and put the headphones on. I watched her as her emotions changed every second Jared spoke. After she was done, she handed me the cassette player. "Thank you, Mira. I know that Josh might need your help, so take my sword."

She handed me a sword in a scabbard. It was one of the first 10; the only one close enough to the Kingsglaive's and Oathsworn's power to rival them. The Kaze (Ka-zay). It means wind in Japanese, and it's just as light. It's better than my arm blade, and is built like a katana. "Ellie, your brother is outside the stadium in a navy-blue sweater. You can meet him there."

She nodded, and walked out. I hid the katana behind the riot gear I stole from the soldier. I remembered Jared's words. 'Josh and Eva are in wait room 1'. I made my way over to wait room 1, but I was stopped by the guard. "Hey, you! Yeah, why did contestant 5 just leave?"


"You're coming with me."

"How about no?"

I grabbed his wrist and flipped him. This alerted the other gaurds, and they charged at me with batons. I pulled out Kaze and fought them. The fight lasted a long time, but I came out on top. A door slammed open, conveniently from wait room 1. Josh came bursting out. "What the- Mira!?"

"Hi, sweetie!"

He face-palmed. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Eva poked out behind him. "Oh, hi Mira! Long time no see!"

I noticed a lipstick smear on Josh's face. "Josh...what have you and Eva been doing in there!?"

Josh used his thumb to rub it off. "I swear its ketchup."

I walked over to them and I kissed Josh. Eva looked at me emotionless. She didn' I thought she was after him. I kissed the spot with the 'ketchup'. It tasted like...ketchup. He wasn't lying. "Believe me now?"

I sighed. "Yes, now I do."

I shot Eva a look. She smiled at me. Maybe she wasn't after Josh. Maybe...

Josh and Eva are just friends. That made me happy to know. I smiled back.

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