Friend or Foe

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Human. For the first part of her life, that's what she always thought she was. But as she got older, she realized that wasn't true. As Korrin stood in front of the mirror, staring at herself, she wondered how a normal person would feel right now. But no matter what she tried, she couldn't feel anything but the power within her, occasionally accompanied by negativity. So she turned away and decided to go roam around and get her bearings.

She hadn't been aboard the large ship for long and the most she had explored was the to the shower and back. The massive white ship consisted of multiple amenities that included a kitchen, a training deck that was equipped with sparring bots, a medical wing, a shuttle bay, sleeping quarters, and a room labeled "holodeck." Korrin had no clue what that was. Since only occasionally leaving her room at in the past couple of days, she couldn't quite remember where everything was. So she wandered down the halls, gradually getting more lost.

"Great," she grumbled aloud. "This is just where I want to be right now. Lost on some alien ship with too many hallways and no one to ask for help." Then immediately as she rounded another corner, she bumped into someone, knocking her to the ground. "Watch where you're going!" Korrin snapped, rubbing her behind.

"I could say the same to you, Lance!" said the male standing over her, rubbing his head. When he looked down and saw a girl on the ground, he realized it wasn't who he thought it was. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else." He extended his hand down to help her up.

She frowned at him, irritated, and stood up on her own. "Do I look and sound like a guy to you?"

The young man frowned. "Look, I said I was sorry. Lighten up."

Korrin eyed him. She could tell he had a temper. He was a couple inches taller than her with a thin, but muscular build and wore a red jacket with a white collar and cuffs over a blue-gray t-shirt. His black pants were tucked into his red, white, and black space boots. His arms were crossed and strands of his medium length dark hair fell down in front of his dark blue eyes.

"Is there a reason why you're sizing me up like a piece of meat?"

She smirked. "Maybe I'm just deciding whether it would be worth it to kick your ass right here and now."

"Believe me, it wouldn't be much of a fight."

"Cocky, are we?" Korrin tilted her head at the challenge.

"No, just confident." The young man uncrossed his arms and extended his hand with a slight smile. "I'm Keith, paladin of the red lion."

Korrin softened her expression slightly and shook his hand. "I'm Korrin. And...what do you mean 'red lion?'"

Keith put his hands on his hips. "So Shiro hasn't told you anything, huh? Well, I assume you're headed to go get food so I'll explain on the way."

She wasn't, actually, but she followed him regardless. From what she gleaned from Keith, he was stubborn and hotheaded. The two of them were similar in those traits. She was fascinated by all that Keith told her. How the universe was under attack by Zarkon, leader of the Galran race, and Voltron was the only way to defeat him. Together, five giant mechanical lions--each housed in their own hangar--were each piloted by a paladin and, when combined, they formed Voltron. The massive ship they were on now was known as the Castle of Lions which was piloted by the Princess Allura and her helmsman, Coran. Korrin's head spun with all this new information, trying to place it all accordingly.

"So, you five paladins...are from Earth?" she asked.

Keith nodded. "I've lost track of time with how long we've been away. Things are different out here." He looked over at Korrin as they approached the galley. "You're from Earth, too, right?"

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