The Mission

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"I'm sorry...what?" Keith responded angrily after hearing Nova had been injected with quintessence. "Why would you do that!"

"When were planning on telling us?" Lance asked frowning. He looked at Pidge, "And you knew about it?"

"Don't bring me into this, it's her news to tell," Pidge retorted.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have let it happen," Nova said nervously. She felt like she had let the team down. "All I wanted to do was be able to help, and this seemed like the answer." She placed her hands over her face, sobbing.

"Do you realize what that quintessence could do to you!" Lance snapped angrily.

"Lance, quite yelling at her!" Keith barked.

"You yelled at her first!"

"I know, but it isn't helping right now." The former Red Paladin stepped up to Nova and wrapped her in a comforting embrace. Her body quivered against his as she cried. He was used to seeing the strong, independent girl who could easily handle herself. To see her shaken like this saddened him. "Lotor lied to all of us, Nova. How we choose to go forward from this is what matters." Nova's sobs began to subside. She took deep breaths to get her breathing back to normal. Being wrapped in Keith's arms made her feel safe.

"We will have to address Nova's issue later," Coran said as the computer notified that Allura and Lotor had made it back to the Castle. "We have incoming."

"Krolia, Kosmo, Romelle, and I will block the doors when they enter," said Keith. "We don't want to alarm them too early." And that's what they did. They waited until the doors opened and Lotor and Allura walked in. As soon as it closed, Keith and Krolia readied their weapons, blocking any chance for escape while Shiro and the others stood expectantly.

Allura looked around, confused. "What's going on?"

Lance readied his sniper, aiming it an irritated Lotor. "Allura, step back from Lotor," the Blue Paladin said cautiously.

The princess stood protectively in front of the Galra emperor. "Not until you tell me what is happening."

Romelle stepped up. "Lotor has been harvesting quintessence from Alteans for generations," she shouted accusingly. Allura's guard seemed to drop at seeing another Altean, she turned to Lotor, praying that it wasn't true. "You not only killed my brother, but thousands of others!" the blond Altean continued.

"He's been lying this whole time. He's just like his father, a murderer," Pidge stated further.

"You do not know what you're talking about!" Lotor challenged. He looked at Allura, whose face had drained of color. "Princess, my life's work has been preserving Altean culture. We've unlocked the quintessence field, and now your people can live in peace. There were some lives lost in the process, but they helped serve a noble cause. Will you let this ruin everything we've worked for?" Lotor took her hand trying to persuade her; in the next instant, she had sent him flying across the room. Just then the Castle alarms started blaring and footage of the hangar popped up on the screen.

"Someone's breached the hangar!" shouted Coran.

"Lotor's troops are stealing the ships!" Hunk exclaimed.

"We have to stop them!" said Nova. Suddenly, Shiro collapsed to his knees, clutching his head. "Shiro!" Nova and Keith said simultaneously. In a second, Nova was at his side, placing her hand on his forearms.

"Shiro? Shiro, talk to me, what's going on?" she urged frantically. Hunk moved to the other side of the black paladin.

"What's happening to him?" Coran asked, slightly panicked.

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