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"We've been at this for an entire movement*! Why isn't it working?!"

"I-I'm not sure, Lieutenant. Everything is in place...she just isn't responding to it. Something must have gone dormant when she went comatose."

"She went dormant! It's your job to figure out how to wake her up! And I'm running out of patience!"

The voices sounded far away, like an echo in a dream. She couldn't focus on them but they sounded familiar somehow. She could sense her body becoming alert and it took everything in her to try stop it.

Molnea stomped over to where they had Korrin restrained against the wall, a terrible scowl on her face. Staring at Korrin's lifeless body, she suddenly smacked her hand across the girl's face.

"Wake up, dammit! Rise and shine!"

"T-that won't work, Lieutenant," said Molnea's colleague, taken aback by her action. "Her body doesn't respond to physical touch."

Molnea's frown deepened and she jabbed a finger at Korrin's chest where the skin had been pulled back and her metal necklace had been implanted. "It doesn't respond to this thing we put in her either! So if you have any other ideas, I suggest you start finding another way, Krez, or I'll find someone else!"

The Galra named Krez tentatively approached Korrin holding a beeping device near the metal. Korrin's chest was bare just above her breasts so that there was no interference with the testing. Krez tapped the piece and then looked down at his device.

"I don't understand," he said. "I get faint readings periodically but then they just disappear. It's like she's fighting the consciousness or suppressing her energy."

Molnea growled. "So fix it."

As Krez was about to respond, an alarm sounded and a voice came over the intercom stating there had been intruders.

"Find a way to wake her up!" Molnea yelled as she made her way to the door. "I expect to take her for a test run here."

Krez looked sympathetically back at Korrin. "You poor thing, you never should have been created." He turned and walked back to the console to try and figure out a way to satisfy his lieutenant.

"I agree..."

Startled, Krez whirled around at the sound of the soft voice. His gaze fell on Korrin's fuscia eyes that were staring directly at him, almost through him. The device in his hand was now beeping steadily.

"I'm sorry?" he said, hands trembling.

"I never should have existed," Korrin replied, looking down at the metal piece implanted in her chest. The skin around it was red and tender to the touch, the wounds not just beginning to heal. "But here I am. The paladins of Voltron are here, aren't they?"

Krez was still trying to process the fact that she had woken up. "W-well I'm not entirely sure...the alarms went off and Molnea left...to...uh--"

"I know it's them," said Korrin. She shook her head. "They are fools to come after me." She looked at her restraints on her wrists and ankles. Inhaling sharply, she then exhaled forcibly, the restraints bending and breaking under her force. She landed lightly on her feet at dusted off her clothing.

"Now," she said in a dark tone, making her way over the Krez. "Tell me why you fused my necklace to my body."

Krez wasn't a well built Galra, but he still stood several inches taller than Korrin. However, she gave off a foreboding aura and he knew what she was capable of so he felt like a mouse standing before a tiger.

"W-well, y-you see..." he stuttered, unsure of what she would do to him if he told her; or what she would do if he didn't. "Y-your necklace s-seemed to react with the energy inside of you...s-so we decided t-to find a way to permanently f-fuse it to you so--"

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