Star Plans (Pt. II)

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"Molnea, tell me what it is I am looking at," Nova said, studying the holographic screen in front of her.

"It looks like the planetoids were just one part of the plans. There are at least two other Galra bases. One here--" Molnea pointed to a quadrant not too far from them, then she zoomed out and gestured to a second point significantly far away from them, "and here."

"That second one is on the other side of the galaxy," Nova frowned, "It will take some time to get there."

"Well the sooner we deal with the closer one, the sooner we can get to that one," said Keith over Nova's shoulder. "If they all have those planetoids, then we know what we're dealing with. We get there, blow it up, and move on."

Nova shook her head. "If only it was that easy. Each base contains these plans to create those things. We have to make sure that we download the plans and destroy them ourselves. I don't want to leave anything to chance." She could tell Keith was unhappy with her answer, but he made no reply.

"Alright, Starburst. If you're ready, we'll make our way to the first base."

Nova nodded. "Let's go."


"Are you sure this is it?" Nova asked, looking out the window at the Galra base.

"These are the coordinates," Molnea replied.

"It's a lot smaller than the one we were previously at...a lot smaller."

"There's no way they can be hiding an army of planetoids in there," said Keith.

"All the more reason to check it out."

There were no guards posted at the door. Keith and Nova hid against the wall while Molnea pressed a button, resulting in a camera emerging from inside the metal structure. A voice crackled over the intercom demanding for her to state her business.

"I'm Lieutenant Molnea, sent here to check on your status," Molnea stated.

"I told the general not to send me any more distractions!" cried the intercom. "Leave! I need to work!"

"Very well, I'll inform the general that you denied the inspection. He'll see to it that your supply stops immediately until further notice." Molnea turned to leave.

"Wait, wait, wait!" exclaimed the shrill intercom voice. There was an audible sigh. "Very well. Come in."

The doors opened as the camera retreated back into the wall. Molnea smirked to Keith and Nova as they all entered the base. It was indeed a small base consisting of two rooms on either side of small, and empty, hallway.

"This doesn't seem like a typical Galra base," said Keith. "Where are all the guards?"

"Maybe they don't think they need them?" Nova suggested.

"That could be good or bad. My guess is on the latter."

They chose the first door on the right to inspect first, which seemed to be a storage room filled with dozens of boxes of all different sizes, each with a different mechanical component in it. The three of them sifted through them trying to figure out what they went to.

"There's a lot pieces in these boxes," Nova said.

"You sound like Lance," Keith replied.

Nova rolled her eyes, slightly irritated. "What I mean is, these pieces don't really seem like they would be parts of those planetoids."

"You've built one before?" the former Red Paladin mumbled.

Nova frowned at him, not fond of his attitude. "No. But I just think that there is something else going on here."

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