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Korrin bolted down the hallway. She made a left and entered the room she was searching for. But after closing the door, she turned around to find herself at the barrel end of a Galra blaster.

"Hey, Starburst," Molnea sneered, her finger poised to pull the trigger. "You're slick, I'll give you that."

Korrin frowned, keeping her breathing steady. "And here I thought you had given up looking for me. You were about to let me escape."

Molnea laughed. "Oh is that what you thought? You are too naïve to think I'd let you go that easily. I knew you would come here as soon as you found out."

"This is madness," Korrin said angrily, gesturing to the glass pod with the man in it.

"No," Molnea responded, slowly shaking her head. "This is war. One that will make the universe remember who the most powerful race is."

Korrin was raging inside, the energy within her pulsing. "If you set others like me off, there won't be a universe at all!" She raised her hand to attack but immediately Molnea held up the device Krez had been holding back when Korrin was restrained.

Molnea chuckled triumphantly. "You didn't think I'd come here unprepared?"

Korrin pursed her lips, unsure of what leverage her opponent held over her with the device.

"Allow me to explain what this is," said Molnea, tauntingly lowering her weapon. "I'm sure Krez told you why we implanted that thing into your chest. Well, we needed a way to shut you down and power you up at will. So my genius colleague and I built this. With a simple push of a button..." She clicked a button on the device and Korrin felt the device in her chest powering down. Her energy, in turn, began to numb her body and feelings.

Korrin clutched her chest, trying to cling onto the feelings that started to leave her. "What the hell!" She exclaimed.

Molnea laughed darkly. "That's just one function. If I turn the dial and..." She did so and again pushed the button. This time Korrin felt everything inside her burning, stinging, ripping apart; almost like she was going to explode.

"Stop it!" she screamed. In an instant, her body returned to normal, leaving her collapsed on her knees, heaving. "You..." she said shaking between breaths, "have no...right..."

Molnea stooped her broad frame down in front of Korrin, cupping her face in her large hand. "I hold the key to the Galra's victory in this war. I will do what it takes to win. You will serve a greater purpose than you'll ever know."


Both the lieutenant and Korrin turned to see the paladins standing in the doorway, bayards armed. Shocked, Molnea released her hold on Korrin, who leapt to her feet and got in Molnea's face, a determined and infuriated look reflecting in her eyes.

" one," she said. Raising her arms, she sent the Galra flying into a nearby column where she sank to the ground unconscious. The remote device she had was dropped at Korrin's feet and she didn't hesitate to crush it under the heel of her boot. She then turned to the paladins. "What the hell are you guys doing here?! I told you to leave!"

"We know," said Shiro, disarming his bayard and placing both hands on her shoulders. "But you are our mission, and we aren't leaving you behind."

Korrin raised her eyebrows and cast a glance around Shiro's broad shoulders to the other four paladins. "You all agreed on this?"

"It took some convincing," Pidge lightly slapped Keith on the shoulder.

"Hey," Keith shot a look at his comrade. "I'm not one hundred percent convinced, but...Shiro and Pidge both believe in you and I suppose that has some merit."

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