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"With the help of the coalition, we can change the tides of this war," said Shiro to the gathered allies around him. Everyone was in the bridge of the Castle, preparing to move out. "Let's do this."

"All right, Princess, it's time to start the broadcast," said Coran.

"We've secured communications?" Allura asked.

Pidge nodded. "Yes, Matt and I used the rebel's transponder encryption."

Coran smiled gratefully. "Always helps to have a pair of tech-genius siblings around."

Allura stood as the communicator started to boot up, connecting to all its receivers. Nova watched in awe as the Altean Princess delivered an inspirational speech to everyone a part of the Voltron Coalition across the universe.

"We will mount a full-scale attack on the Galra Empire," Allura said, her voice full of determination. "The time is now. Everyone has their missions. You know what to do."

Pidge and Hunk were the first team to mobilize, as their task was to gain control of the Central Command. They did so quickly, giving the coalition an advantage they needed. With the first step done, the green and yellow paladins returned to the Castle where they helped form Voltron which made its way to Naxzela while the rebels and Blade of Marmora made their way to attack the Zaiforge cannons.

"All right, team, remember we have to be fast," Shiro reiterated to the paladins as they closed in on their targets. They honed in on the first Galran ship. Voltron used its sword to slice through it while Nova used her power to jam their lasers cannons, causing them to implode.

"One down!" cried Lance.

"Good work but it isn't over," said Shiro, noticing the many other ships. "We only have one chance to take Naxzela, so let's make it count."

Taking a firm stance on the ground, Voltron started firing its lasers at the enemy ships. There was too much movement from inside the Black Lion for Nova to effectively use her power.

"I'm going out," she declared. "They will be more focused on you guys so I should be hardly noticed."

Shiro didn't argue. "Just be careful."

Nova nodded. "Just don't forget about me."

The Black Paladin turned briefly to smile at her. "Never."

As Nova landed on the ground, she quickly made her way behind a large pillar, one of many that decorated the base they were at. She poked her head around the side. It was just as she thought. The Galra ships hadn't noticed her. She noticed a ship coming at Voltron from the right, hidden in the robot's blind spot. She raised her hand, reaching for the large ion cannon that was preparing to fire. Closing her hand tightly, her power crushed the weapon's opening just before it fired, resulting in it imploding. This seemed to be the quickest way to destroy the ships, but it meant she had to wait for the ships to use the ion cannons. She was able to take out the ships by reaching her power and threading it through them, it just took longer and more concentration.

Voltron fired its lasers through the base and the surrounding pillars. Another Galra ship fired its ion cannon at it, forcing Voltron to retreat backwards. The shock of the attack hitting the ground thrusted Nova forward several feet. She landed on her right shoulder, she felt it dislocate. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she stood up, gripping her right arm. Taking several deep breaths, she cried out as she popped her shoulder back in its socket. She would have someone look at it later. Right now she had to focus. She looked up and saw Voltron had taken flight, but it was surrounded by explosions.

"Pidge, you guys okay up there?" Nova asked, alarmed.

"It's a mine field, but the mines are cloaked!" Pidge responded hastily.

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