The Truth

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With Pidge's help, all the paladins were rescued. Unfortunately, they were not all uninjured. Shiro had an injury on his lower left side and was immediately put him in a healing pod once they were all safely aboard the Castle.

Korrin stayed in her room while everyone else was with Shiro. She just wanted to be alone for the moment. As soon as they would all leave, she would go see him. For now, she just wanted a moment to catch her breath from the all the activity. She wandered the halls of the Castle, trying to distract herself. She eventually found herself in the training deck.

"Might as well let off some steam while I'm here," she said to herself. She changed her clothes and grabbed the metal rod Shiro had given her on that first day they sparred.

Swinging the rod in front of her, it extended, and she prepared for the sparring bot. As soon as it appeared, it lunged for her with quick and precise attacks. She narrowly dodged each one, landing lightly on her feet. The sparring bot was on a more difficult level, as she wanted to challenge her speed and precision. The bot raced at her again and--using the length of the rod--she propelled herself in the air and landed behind it. Sweeping her leg under the bot, it came crashing to the ground. Immediately the bot got back up and took a more defensive stance. Korrin shortened her rod and began launching jabs at the bot who deftly blocked each one. Grunting, Korrin picked up her speed, aiming for the vital organs that would be on a living opponent. But the bot seemed to predict her moves and she couldn't land a blow. Heaving a sigh, she leapt back to put some distance between her and the bot.

"Speed and precision will mean nothing if I can't break through their defense," she said aloud. Then and idea came to her.

She rushed the bot head on and went to use the rod once again to leap over it. But as she was in midair, it grabbed her ankle and threw her across the room with a thud.

"Damn it," she grunted, standing back up. She started to get aggravated. Again she rushed the bot, this time not caring about speed and precision. All she wanted to do was land a hit. She started swinging her rod haphazardly, not really having a strategy anymore. She tried punching and kicking, but the defense was too strong. She started to feel hot, like something was boiling from the inside out. She used this to fuel her fire. She thought about how Shiro had been so cold to her and how he wouldn't let her help him. How Keith had nearly gotten himself killed against Zarkon. Then how they had been stuck in a time loop, almost losing Coran. Her intensity increased and the power behind her attacks grew. Soon she was blinded by an overpowering force. With a final scream, she thrust both her hands at the bot and sent it soaring clear across the room, against the wall. She panted, and fell to her knees. She hadn't intended to use her powers, but she had just been so...angry. She frowned at the realization. How was that possible? An electronic whirring distracted her from her thoughts as she looked up and saw Pidge enter the room, a concerned look on her face.

"I was just coming to find you to see if everything was okay from your time stuck in the wormhole..." she said slowly. She took two small steps and stopped as if her guard was up.

Korrin shook her head. Shit, she probably saw what just happened. I can't really lie my way out of this one. She stood up and walked over to the green paladin who seemed to take a step back.

"Thanks for coming to check on me," she said. "There is actually something I wanted to talk to you and Shiro about. But...I...want to wait till Shiro is fully recovered."

Pidge nodded, uneasy. "Sure...whatever you want..."

Korrin nodded and then proceeded to leave the room. Just as she was about to walk through the door, she turned back. "Oh, Pidge, if we could keep what happened here between you and me...I would be grateful." The green paladin nodded and Korrin walked away.

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