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They key to the safe. That's all Korrin could think about as she lay in bed. With Shiro and Pidge's help, she knew that they could find some way to help her achieve her goal. She was also trusting them to not tell everyone else.

While searching for Voltron's next target, Pidge also kept a lookout for someone who could shed some light on Korrin's "condition". But she couldn't find anyone within their range who could help. The Castle was in rough shape from their recent tussle and before they could go anywhere else, repairs had to be made. While making repairs to the ship, the paladins encountered the Olkari, insect-like humanoids that were famous for their extraordinary engineering skills and nature-based technology. They had sent out a discreet distress signal that the Castle responded to. Spending time with them on their planet Olkarion, the paladins, Korrin, Allura, and Coran were amazed at these peoples' skills. With a mere touch, the Olkari could manipulate both solid metal and biological materials. They discovered that their king, Lubos, had been captured by enemy Galra and the paladins went in for a rescue mission only to find out Lubos was no prisoner. The despicable creature had sold out his people as slaves so that he could live a comfortable life while building a super-weapon for Zarkon's forces. It wasn't long before they found themselves up against said weapon. The battle was long and difficult. The paladins and their lions, as well as the Castle, were not completely recharged from their previous encounter and this new foe was learning and adapting to their attack. Korrin was able to subtly use her power from inside the Castle to disarm a few of the enemy's attacks. It was during the fight that Pidge connected with her lion, earning the lion a new skill of vine cannon. Using this new ability, she fired it at the weapon which, when it attempted to clone, it instead burst into a massive growth of plant roots. They emerged victorious. Afterwards, Korrin used the little time they had left on Olkarion to discreetly asked the Olkari if they could help her. They were very advanced in technology and there was a spark of hope in her as she approached the question. However, her hope was dashed when the Olkarion leader, Ryner, apologized and informed her that there was nothing they could do.

Korrin stood by the large window on the bridge of the Castle, a solemn expression on her face. The ship rumbled as it ascended into the sky, Olkarion getting smaller and smaller below them.

"What did Ryner say?" Pidge asked, coming up behind her and placing a hand on her shoulder.

Korrin shook her head shallowly. "They are unable to help me."

Pidge closed her eyes and gave Korrin's shoulder a squeeze. "I'm sorry. We'll find something, don't worry."

"Thank you, there is still hope. I refuse to give up easily." Korrin straightened and turned to the green paladin. "Can we talk about you and your lion out battling that massive robot cube? You were amazing." Pidge blushed as the two of them walked over to where the rest of the group was congregating in the center of the room.

"She's not wrong," Shiro chimed in with a proud look on his face.

"Thanks, guys. I've always connected to the world through tech. That's how I've always been, a tech junkie. But in that moment, I felt connected to everything."

"Didn't Ryner say something like that?" Korrin said, looking around at the group, "All of us are made of the same cosmic dust or something?"

Next to her, Keith seemed to have and 'Aha' moment. "So that means everything is related. Our ship, the stars, everyone here, the Olkari...the Galra as well."

We're all related. Even the stars. Korrin tossed the sentence around in her mind.

"I think Keith just blew his own mind," Hunk teased, causing everyone to laugh. The red paladin crossed his arms and frowned, slightly embarrassed. Korrin gave him a playful nudge in the shoulder that said "lighten up."

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