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Home. The word honestly didn't seem to fit the description of the building where she had lived her childhood. Recently, she had felt more at home with the paladins than anywhere else. The humming sound of the taxi faded away as Korrin approached the front door. Clearly no one had occupied the residence for quite some time. There were cracks everywhere on the outer walls. The hinges on the old metal door creaked as Korrin stepped into the house, the floor covered by a thick dust. Everything was exactly the way she remembered it from all those years ago. So no one had lived here since Korrin and her mother it seemed. She wasn't sure what she would find, but she was hoping to find something that would lead her to her mother's previous employer.

Looking around the empty rooms on the main level of the house, Korrin saw the ghosts of her younger self with her mother. Scenes played out in her head of all the times they spent together. Korrin felt a twinge of sadness for her mother. She was playing with her daughter and having so much fun, and yet young Korrin could not reflect that. How hard it must have been for her. What would she think of Korrin now? Would she be happy? Proud? Or disappointed? Not wanting to dwell on that part of her past any longer, Korrin acended the stairs to her mother's former room. It was still relatively neat, minus all the dust and dirt. She went over to the nearest dresser and started opening the drawers. Only a few pieces of clothing were found as well as some linens. Korrin also checked for false bottoms in the drawers just in case her mother had been hiding something. Nothing. Next she checked the nightstands. But all she found were a couple of old books, an alarm clock that didn't work, and a broken pair of glasses. Frustrated, Korrin slammed the drawer shut.

There has to be something here, Korrin thought. You don't work for people like that for years and not have them try to contact you, or have pieces of work left behind. Korrin checked her old room, the closets, the pantry, the laundry room, even under the old couch in the living room. Again, nothing. Stepping into the kitchen, Korrin looked around. The fridge was empty, the cabinets were bare, and the disrupted dust danced in the sunlight that came through the window. Feeling exasperated, Korrin sat in one of the dusty kitchen chairs, ignoring dirtying her clothes. Again, ghosts from her past filled the room. This time it was the memory of that fateful day. She saw her mother push young Korrin towards the back door, yelling at her to run. Korrin clenched her fist. She could have saved her mother if she had had control of her powers. But there was no use dwelling on the past. She couldn't change it. Glancing at the back door, she noticed the trash can was turned on its side. Sighing, Korrin got up to stand it upright. As she did so, she noticed a crumpled up piece of paper sticking out from under the refrigerator. She picked it up and read it.

"We know you have her. We've known for some time now. She's gotten strong. And she's also gotten into some trouble we hear. You have no right to her. Sooner or later we will take backwhat is ours. Know that insuboordination and failure to cooperate has fatal consequences. Do the right thing and this will be made infinitely easier."~K.S.

"K.S.?" Korrin said, knitting her brows together. "Who the hell is that?" It was small start but a group that illegally 'aquires things' is not likely to be public knowledge. So asking around was out of the question. Folding the note and putting it in her pocket, Korrin stepped outside. She looked up, sheilding her eyes against the sun. There was a cloudy gray spot in the sky, almost like a scar. It was from when she nearly opened a black hole above the house that would have consumed the whole city. I guess that's why no one's lived here; maybe they think it's cursed, Korrin thought. She looked around the side yard; it was where she had been captured and where she had heard the fatal shot dealt to her mother. Something glinted in the sunlight, the reflection catching her eye. She walked a few paces and bent down to examine it.

"What do we have here?" she said, thinking out loud. She picked up what appeared to be a metal pin with a torn piece of black fabric attached to it. Rubbing off the dirt, Korrin saw that the emblem on the pin looked to be a black moon with rays of sun around it. "Eclipse?" she thought, then she chuckled. "Subtle." She pocketed the pin and made her way to the city.

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